MISC cards Flashcards
Emerson quote on meaning in life
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
The transfer of heat from one place to another by the movement of fluids. Usually the dominant form of heat transfer in liquids and gases
Christina cell phone
1 (206) 349 4364
Energy emitted by matter as electromagnetic waves.Thermal radiation propagates without the presence of matter through the vacuum of space.
Heat transferred by adjacent atoms vibrating against one another, or as electrons move from one atom to another. The most significant means of heat transfer within a solid or between solid objects in thermal contact. Fluids—especially gases—are less conductive
Saturated fats
Found mostly in foods from animals (beef, veal, lamb, pork, lard, poultry fat, butter, cream, milk, cheeses and other dairy) and some plants (coconut, coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil, and cocoa butter). All animal foods also contain dietary cholesterol..
Unsaturated fats
Found in many fish (salmon, trout, herring), nuts (walnuts), plants (avocados, olives), seeds and oils from plants (soybean, corn, safflower, canola, olive and sunflower).
Both POLYunsaturated and MONOunsaturated fats may help lower your blood cholesterol level when you use them in place of saturated and trans fats. Keep total fat intake between 25 and 35 percent of calories, with most fats coming from unsaturated fat foods.
Red wine temp
60 F
Trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated fats
During food processing, unsaturated fats may undergo a chemical process called HYDROGENATION (common in margarine and shortening). to form TRANS-FATTY ACIDS (TFA). These fats also raise blood cholesterol.
Keep trans fat intake to less than 1 percent of total calories. For example, if you need 2,000 calories a day, you should consume less than 2 grams of trans fat.
Rose, full white temp
50 F
Sparkling wine temp
43 F
comprised of
NO! Bad grammar! You mean “composed of”!
“8 slices compose the pie”
Monosaccharide sugar found in plants. Aka dextrose. Absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion. Primary source of energy for the body’s cells. Key product of photosynthesis. Stored in mainly the liver and muscles as glycogen. Distributed and utilized in tissues as free glucose
Monosaccharide sugar found in plants. Doesn’t trigger insulin production by the pancreas, but thought to contribute to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
Table sugar (disaccharide sugar derived from glucose and fructose). Split into fructose and glucose during digestion.
Milk sugar (disaccharide sugar derived from glucose and galactose)
Temp change with elevation - Dry
5° F per 1,000 ft (more like 5.5)
Temp change with elevation - Wet (in a cloud or raining/snowing…100% humidity)
3° F per 1,000 ft
“Sun Sneezing”
Photic Sneeze Reflex
(pron: CALL-oid) a substance that consists of particles dispersed throughout another substance which are too small for resolution with an ordinary light microscope but are incapable of passing through a semipermeable membrane
Matrix of colloids (gas to solid; dispersed phase vs. dispersion medium)
GG: none (gases have no miscibility...i.e., do no mix) GL: liquid aerosol (fog, hairspray) GS: solid aerosols (smoke, ice cloud) LG: foams (whipped cream, shaving cream) LL: emulsions (milk, mayo, hand cream) LS: sols (paint, blood) SG: solid foams (styrofoam, pumice) SL: gels (jelly) SS: solid sols (pearls, cranberry glass)
Feet in a mile
Aperture like f/1.4
Small f-stop (e.g. f/1.4) = bigger opening, smaller depth of field
Weeks per month
4 1/3
Aperture like f/16
Larger f-stop (e.g. f/16) = smaller opening, larger depth of field. Think: a photo of a fast object will rarely have a deep field.
Film speed
Relative amount of light necessary to give a proper exposure. Normal range: 100 to 400, Higher means less light needed, so higher f-stop and deeper photos, but more grain
“Normal” film speed
ISO 100, but I should probably default to 200 (allows for deeper focus field or faster shutter)
Fast film speed and implications for blur, f-stop and focus
ISO 400-800. More sensitive to light (so can take faster shutter speeds with smaller apertures [higher f-stop], or deeper focus field) but is lower quality (noise).
Bad light film speed and implications for blur, f-stop and focus
ISO 1600. Much more sensitive to light (so can take with smaller aperatures and faster shutter speeds and deeper focus field) but is lower quality (noise). This is why iPhone photos are so bad.
Chinese equivalent of Google
Chinese equivalent of Facebook
RenRen (also Tencent QQ)