Misc. Flashcards
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin, ASA)
Action: Prevent platelets from clumping, anti-platelet
Indication: Chest pain, suspected acute coronary syndrome
Dose: 324 PO
SFx: GI upset/bleed, Tinnitus
Notes: Give ASAP with suspected MI
Atropine Sulfate
Action: Blocks action of PNS on SA and AV nodes
Indication: Hemodynamically significant BradyC w/ S/S of poor perfusion
Dose: 1 mg IVP, max of 3mg
SFx: TachyC, Dry mouth, drowsy ness
CI: MI with fast rate
Notes: Will cause BradyC if given too slow, dont use in hight degree HB
Clopidogrel (Plavix)
Action: Antiplatelet, ADP inhibition
Indication: Acute coronary syndrome, non-hemorrhagic stroke
Dose: 300 mg PO
SFx: GI upset/bleed
Notes: Give with but before aspirin, take with water
Dobutamine (Dobutrex)
Action: B1 stimulator, mild vasodilation
Indication: CHF and low cardiac output
Dose: 2 - 20 mcg/kg/min, IV/IO drip
SFx: TachyC, HyperT, HypoT, Angina, SOB
Notes: Assure adequate blood volume before giving
Dopamine (Intropin)
Action: Alpha and Beta agonist, vasoconstriction
Indication: Cardio shock, Hemodynamically significant BradyC, Non-HypoV shock
Dose: 5 - 15 mcg/kg/min (Beta), 15 - 20 mcg/kg/min (Alpha/Beta)
SFx: Angina, TachyC, Arrythmia, Hypo/HyperT
Notes: Causes severe necrosis w/ extravasation, titrate to effect
Furosemide (Lasix)
Action: Decrease kidney reabsorption, urine output up, Vasodilate, loop diuretic
Indication: LsHF w/ pulmonary edema, Atelectasis, edema all over
Dose: .5 - 1 mg/kg IVP/IOP over 2 min
SFx: HypoT, HypoK, Deafness, Dehydration
CI: Pneumonia, Asthma, COPD
Notes: Damage CN VIII if given too fast
Nitroglycerin (Nitro-bid, Tridil) (NTG)
Action: Vascular smooth muscle relaxation, decrease cardia O2 demand
Indication: ACS, Angina Pectoris, MI, CHF, HyperT
Dose: 10 - 20 mcg/min IV/IO, or .3 - .4 mg SL
SFx: HypoT, TachyC, Headache, Dizzy
CI: BP >90, erectile disfunction meds in last 24-48 hrs
Notes: Monitor BP closely
Norepinephrine (Levophed)
Action: Primary Alpha agonist little beta effect, vasoconstriction
Indication: Vasodilatory shock after fluid resuscitation
Dose: .5 - 12 mcg/min (Titrate)
SFx: Worsen MI, Arrhythmia, Anxiety
Notes: Tissue damage from extravasation
Sodium Bicarbonate
Action: Neutralize acids in the blood stream
Indication: Metabolic acidosis, Tryciclic antidepressant and ASA OD, crush syndrome
Dose: .5 - 1 mEq/kg IVP
SFx: Alkalosis, fluid overload, IntraC acidosis, OxyHemo curve right
Notes: Not for resp acidosis, GIVE IN ITS OWN LINE
Vasopressin (Pitressin)
Action: Non-adrenergic vasoconstrictor, anti-diuretic hormone
Indication: Adjunct therapy for container shock, Cardiac arrest
Dose: 40 units IVP ONCE
SFx: MI, angina
Heparin (UFH: Unfractioned Heparin)
Action: Prevent clot formation
Indication: MI, Unstable Angina, PE, Embolism, DVT
Dose: 60 U/kg IV/IO bolus
SFx: Bleeding, enemia, ecchymosis
Thrombolytics (“ase” ending ex. Streptase, Retavase, Activase)
Action: Clot buster, open clotted arteries
Indication: MI, PE, CVA
Dose: Varies
SFx: Bleed from IV site, cranial bleed, HypoT
Notes: Fibrinolysis checklist first, give in dedicated line
Calcium Chloride
Action: For conduction of nerve impulses in cardiac cells
Indication: Hyperkalemia, CCB OD, reverse mag if rapid admin
Dose: 8 - 16 mg/kg slow IVP/IOP
SFx: BradyC, Cardiac arrest, Arrhythmias
Notes: BradyC if fast admin, Peaked Twaves all over = HyperK
Dextrose (D50)
Action: Increase circulating blood sugar levels
Indication: Hypoglycemia
Dose: 25 g IVP/IOP
SFx: HyperT, CHF, seizures in Wernicke/Korsakoff syndrome
Notes: Thiamine before admin if severe malnutrition, patent IV line needed
Action: Breakdown glycogen in liver for sugar, smooth muscle relaxer, positive ino/chrono effects
Indicaiton: Hypoglycemia w/o IV access, esophageal obstruction, CCB/BB OD
Dose: .5 - 1 mg IV/IO/IM/SC, every 20 min as needed
SFx: Dizzy, TachyC, HyperT
Notes: Use diluent in package, higher dose may be needed for OD therapy
Indications: Potential cyanide poisoning (smoke inhalation)
Dose: 5G/200mL over 15 min (2 dose max)
SFx: Rash, HTN, Nausea
Action: Vitamin B1, prohibit Wernicke-Korsakoff
Indication: Prior to Dextrose in malnourished and alcoholics
Dose: 100mg IV
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Anaphylaxis
Action: Antihistamine
Indication: Allergic reactions that are not anaphylaxis
Dose: 25-50 mg IM/IV
2 meds for high altitude illnesses
Acetazolamide (Diamox)
Nifedipine (Procardia)
Ketorolac (Toradol)
Action: Non-Narcotic
Indication: General GI pain
Dose: 15-30 mg Slow IVP/IM