MIPS(Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelining Stages) Flashcards
Reg file in MIPS architecture is….
small and fast
load and store functions are used to access data in the memory
it is slower and takes more energy than the register file (which is like cache and holds the current data that is being used by the current instruction in the current instruction register)
3 types of instructions in MIPS
Data Operations: add, sub, like ALU stuff
Data Transfer: load, store
Sequencing: conditional and unconditional branching instructions
lw R1, 126(R2)
Load word instruction, loads the word from the memory location ‘126+value in R2’ to R1(Destination Register)
MIPS has
32 General Purpose Registers, R0-R31
registers in MIPS are…
32 bits wide
is always zero/ is hardwired to zero
Registers R29 and R3…
are used for function calls
Program counters
is a special register that keeps track of the current instruction
add r1,r2,r3 is the same as add r1,r3,r2
R5=(R5+R6)+R7 needs at least 1 temporary register to be executed
No temporary registers needed since:
and then
R5=R5+R7 (because value of R5 is now (R5+R6))