Minority influence Flashcards
Minority influence
a form of social influence in which a minority of people persuade others to adopt their beliefs.- This is likely to lead to internalisation both public and private beliefs change.
Minorities are more effective if members of the minority repeat the same message over time as it increases the interest from other people. A consistent minority makes other people rethink “maybe they’ve got a point”.
Minorities might engage in extreme activities to draw attention to their views. It is important that these activities present some risk because it shows greater commitment. Majority group may pay more attention- AUGMENTATION PRINCIPLE!
Nemeth argued that consistency isn’t the only important factor because it can be off putting. Someone who repeats the same thing again and again can be seen as rigid and dogmatic. This is unlikely to gain many converts. So they key is to balance flexibility and consistency.
The process of change
The snowball effect-Minorities changing majority opinions starts as a slow process, however the process speeds up as more of the majority convert to the new view and the minority view becomes the majority.
Moscovici’s blue/green slide study showed a consistent minority opinion had a greater effect on changing the views of other people than an inconsistent opinion. WOOD ET AL carried out a meta-analysis of almost 100 similar studies and found that minorities who are seen as consistent were the most influential. THIS SUGGESTS PRESENTING A CONSISTENT VIEW IS A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT FOR A MINORITY TRYING TO INFLUENCE THE MAJORITY.
The tasks involved are just as artificial as Asch’s line study. This includes identifying the colour of the slide. Research is therefore far removed from how minorities attempt to change the behaviour of majorities in real life. FINDINGS OF MINORITY INFLUENCE ARE LACKING EXTERNAL VALIDITY AND ARE LIMITED IN WHAT THEY TELL US ABOUT HOW MINORITY INFLUENCE WORKS IN REAL WORLD.