Minority Influence Flashcards
What is the main study into minority influence?
Moscovici et al (1969) - Blue / green slides
What was the sample for Moscovici et al’s study?
192 women
What type of experiment was Moscovici et al’s study?
What were the groups in Moscovici et al’s study?
Experimental: Groups of 6 - 4 participants, 2 confederates
Control: 6 participants only, 0 confederates
How many slides were used in Moscovici et al’s study, and what colour were they?
36, all varying shades of blue
What were the 2 conditions in Moscovici et al’s study?
- Confederates called all 36 slides ‘green’ (consistent)
- Confederates called 24 slides ‘green’ and 12 slides ‘blue’ (inconsistent)
What were the findings of the consistent condition in Moscovici et al’s study?
Participants adopted the minority position and called the slides ‘green’, 8.4% of the time
What were the findings of the inconsistent condition in Moscovici et al’s study?
Participants adopted the minority position and called the slides ‘green’, 1.25 % of the time
What were the findings of the control group in Moscovici et al’s study?
Participants called the slides ‘green’, 0.25% of the time
What is the conclusion of Moscovici et al’s study?
Consistency is crucial for a minority to exert maximum influence on a majority
Why does Moscovici et al’s study lack ecological validity?
The task was extremely artificial and it was a lab study
Why does Moscovici et al’s study lack generalisability?
Only women were used, so findings cannot be generalised to men
Why is Moscovici et al’s study high in internal validity?
The use and findings of the control group proves that participants were actually influenced by the minority rather than being independently unsure
What is the effect of consistency in minority influence?
If the minority is consistent in their arguments, it makes others more likely to rethink their own views and be influenced by the minority
What is Synchronic Consistency?
When people in the minority are all saying the same thing
What is Diachronic Consistency?
When people in the minority have been saying the same thing for some time
What is the effect of Commitment in minority influence?
The majority is more likely to be influenced by the minority if the minority undertake extreme activities or sacrifices to show their commitment.
What is the augmentation principle?
When the majority pay more attention due to the risks taken by, or the conviction of, the minority
What is the effect of Flexibility in minority influence?
The majority are more likely to be influenced, if the minority are willing to compromise and adapt their point of view
What is the snowball effect?
When more and more people start to align with the minority until in eventually becomes the majority
What is social cryptoamnesia?
When a social change occurs but people have no memory of where the view came from