Minor Prophets (Detail) Flashcards
What was Jonah’s message?
Commanded to call Ninevah to repent of their sins.
How is God pictured in Habakkuk?
As a “divine warrior” taking vengeance on evildoers.
Where also is Jonah cited as a prophet?
2 Kings 14:25
What was Hosea’s wife’s name?
What does Hosea buying back his wife illustrate?
Israel’s idolatry and God’s faithfulness
Amos is “just a shepherd” who God calls to be a prophet.
What does Amos vision relate to Christ in?
God will reunite and rebuild the house of David
Who quotes Amos and what does it make clear?
James quotes Amos making it clear that the inclusion of the gentiles into the church is David’s house being rebuilt
Who does Obadiah prophesy against?
Edom (The descendants of Esau)
Who rejoiced over the destruction of Israel?
Edomites but God rebukes them and assures of their destruction
What is the message of Joel?
In spite of impending judgement, God will restore His people and dwell with them.
What way is the hope conveyed?
Promise of the Spirit
Where and what from Joel does Peter quote?
He quotes Joel 2:28-32 in Acts 2:17-21 as the new covenant as the new nation of Israel is ushered in
What does Micah announce?
The coming “Deliverer” despite impending doom.
What does Micah highlight?
The Messiah would come from Bethlehem which ties this future “kingly figure” with David and the covenant found in 2 Samuel 7:8-17
Who was Nahum a prophet to?
The Assyrians
What does Nahum call them to?
To repent and he reminded them that God is sovereign over the nations.
What did God promise in Zephaniah?
Despite impending exile, God promised to Israel that He would judge the nations and rescue His people, because He loves them.
How will God rejoice when they return?
He will rejoice over them with singing (Zephaniah 3:13-17) (Where we get I hear God singing to me)
Message of Habakkuk?
God will not allow evil to continue unchecked
What is the promise of God in Habakkuk?
Despite evil men prospering, God will exalt his people one day as He has in the past
Haggai’s message?
Encourage the builders of God’s new temple, especially the leaders Zerubabbel and Joshua
What did the older men and women realize about the new temple?
They had seen Solomon’s Temple (“baptized in Gold”) and so the new one seemed very insignificant in comparison
What was awesome about the new temple?
Haggai encouraged the people that their work on this second temple was “a type” of a “greater temple” to come in Christianity
Who was Zechariah?
He was the younger “understudy” of Haggai
What is Zechariah’s message about?
Like Haggai’s it is about God’s protection and restoration of His people
What does Zechariah tell of?
A day when God will bring the office of king and priest together as one in a future individual who will build the temple of the Lord - Jesus
Malachi’s message?
Preaches that the promises of God remain unfulfilled despite the Jews returning to their land.
What does Malachi speak out against?
Contemptible sacrifices, divorce and the lack of tithes and offerings.
Who did Malachi predict?
A “forerunner” who will come before the Lord’s visitation. This forerunner is John the Baptist
What was Jonah’s message
Commanded to call Ninevah to repent of their sins.
What was Jonah’s reaction to the call?
He didn’t want to go, so Jonah tried to run away, and God changes his mind and heart through the “fish”.
What was Jonah’s reaction to the call?
He didn’t want to go, so Jonah tried to run away, and God changes his mind and heart through the “fish”.
What is the real message of Jonah?
The real message isn’t about Jonah running from God, but God’s mercy to save all people (Ninevah Repents)