Minor Conditions Flashcards
Why is back pain so important?
It is an extremely common presentation that is often poorly managed
WRT back pain, what is it important to be able to distinguish between?
Self-limiting simple back pain, and more sinister back pain.
What kind of back pain arises fromspinal joints, vertebral or soft tissues, and varies with posture and movement?
Mechanical back pain
What specific causes of mechanical back pain can be identified?
Muscular strain
Intervertebral disc prolapse
Vertebral fracture
Facet joint injury
Can all back pain be atrributed to a cause?
What kind of back pain is caused by rheumatoid conditions?
Inflammatory back pain
When is back pain classified as chronic?
After 6 weeks
How common is back pain?
60-80% of people report it to the GP at some int in teir lives (so incidence will be higher still).
What are the social factors that predispose to low back pain?
Physical jobs with heavy or awkward lifting
Prolonged standing
Work-related stress
How should a low back pain hx be taken?
As with any pain - SQITARS!
Also, previous pain like this? Occupation and hobbies? PMHx?
Red flags!!!!
How should a patient with low back pain be examined?
Spine exposed, standing up. Inspection Palpation Focused neuro exam Functional assessment
What test can be used O/E of a low back pain patient to assess for nerve root pain?
Straight leg raise
What red flags must we assess for when a patient presents with low back pain?
Any sx of cauda equina - saddle anaesthesia pr parasthesia, bladder dysfunction, faecal incontinence, perianal sensory loss, laxity of anal sphincter, progressive lower limb neurological deficit.
Any sx of spinal fracture - sudden onset central pain, worse on lying down, mjor trauma, minor trauma with hx of osteopoosis, strctural spinal deformity, point tenderness over vertebrae.
Cancer - night time aching, onset over 50 or below 20, hx of cancer esp. those which met to bone or myeloma.
Constitutional sx, immune suppression.
Which cancers ion a patient’s history would put you on alert for bone mets in a hx of back pain?
- Lung esp. bronchus
- Prostate
- Breast
- Thyroid
- Kidney
Why can a hx of TB or exposure to TB be important in a back pain hx?
TB can cause osteomyelitis