Minor Arcana Flashcards
What 3 cards are connected to aries
ace, two, three of wands
what three cards are connected to libra
ace, two, three of swords
what three cards are connected to cancer
ace, two, three of cups
what three cards are connected to capricorn
ace, two, three of pentacles
Whats on your mind? What problem are you confronting?
ace of swords. gift of intellect. mind expanding. new ways of thinking
what is inspiring you
ace of wands. gift of the beginning of fire. passions and creativity are high. a heightened sense of whats possible
what is making you feel good right now?
ace of cups. gift of unconditional love. heart opening. influx of pressures. inspiration. imagination
what kinds of seeds are you planting? what is making you feel grounded?
ace of pents. gift of birthing something into material form. signifies something manifesting
Balance, Reflection, Intuition
Polarity, Balance btwn oppositites
high priestess energy
what are you struggling to do?
two of swords. an attempt to gain mental balance .suspending judgement. fence sitting
what two ideas are you bringing together in an interesting way?
two of wands. learning to use the fire born int the ace. may signify intuition is awakening. creative expression
how are your inner solar and lunar qualities working together in your life
two of cups. two people (or parts of a personality) come together in love/union/integration. cooperation
what do you want to change in the earthly realm of your life? in what ways do you play?
two of pents. balancing inner growth and other achievement. working on multiple projects
synthesis, coming together
in what ways are you suffering? what do you fear most in relationships?
three of swords. either the mind is caught up in toxic thoughts or there are toxic or dramatic relationships. alienation. feeling hurt.
where are you putting your attention? How do you envision the future?
three of wands. joy of self expression. highly effective communication. magnetic foresight. visionary
how have you been enjoying yourself
three of cups. sharing pleasure and having fun with others. friendship. rituals. merriment.
how do you work with others? what are you collaborating on?
Three of pents. communal act of building. teamwork.
stability. marking a passage. grounding. milestone. completion. boundaries