Major Arcana Flashcards
0 - The Fool
adventure, wonder, personal growth, the path of delight, everything is possible.
never learned to be afraid, carefree impulse
not the time for risks or lost touch with intuition
Ruled by uranus
1 - The magician
ruled by mercury
creativity, action, concentration, willpower, channeling energy in a specific direction
self doubt, do you need to make something happen?
2 - High priestess
ruled by the moon - guide of our needs
receptivity, openness, bridge to psychic realms, going inward, removing self from world. slow down, answers take time. trust your gut
3 - Empress
ruled by venus
earth mother, abundance, sensuality. approach life through feeling pleasure rather than thought and logic.
more cautious and thoughtful, experiencing a creative block or maybe a passion block
4 - Emperor
Ruled by jupiter - the expander
guide, protect, provide, creative will power. the laws of society, divine law.
softer leader, less insistent on the rules, or someone having trouble taking a stand
challenges us to come to terms with rules
5 - Heirophant
ruled by venus
spiritual authority, belief systems, group identity
embody your personal magic
unravel knowts of old and untrue beliefs
rebellion, modern approach, abuse of power
6 - The Lovers
joining together, embracing divinity to overcome
split self reuniting or new relationship
rush towards hearts desires
relationship troubles, conflict with self, needing to be chosen
7 - The Chariot
Cancer. yungs idea of the persona (the mask we wear in the world)
drivers seat of your life, groundedness, uses discipline and determination to accomplish goals
will power isnt successful or isnt enough, find another way to do it
8 - Strength
enthusiasm, courage, perserverance
realize your own strength
release deep emotions with love and faith
overwhelmed, pessimistic, torment from within
9 - Hermit
turning within, seeker, introspective, being alone, either by choice or circumstance. a transition, a rebirth from cultivating self awareness
not the time to be alone, lack of a teacher or guide, peter pan complex
inner time that can come as a blessing, can come as the saturn return
10 - Wheel of Fortune
Jupiter - the sage
personal vision, turning point, luck
a change in circumstace
life assessment - where have you been and where are you headed
struggle against events, beginning a difficult process of self examination
11- Justice
accepting reality, past choices, where you land in it all, connection, sigh of relief
responsibility, cause and affect, doing whats right
woe is me, dishonesty with self or others
12 - Hanged One
Neptune / pisces
surrender, letting go, suspension, karmic cleansing, giving up what ego thought it wanted
being who you are not matter what others think
trying to force something or control it, feeling social pressure instead of listening to your intuition
this is the only way.
13 - Death
pluto/ scorpio
transition, endings, transformation, accept death to live more fully
shedding old skin
slow death, resisting change
14 - Temperance
balance, action without ego, combine properly
creative problem solving
blending parts of self until fusion is achieved
things are fragmented/out of balance or take a chance on something
15 - The devil
denying the spirit, materialism
bondage, addiction, negativity, doubt, fear greed
clinging to values/situations/people that harm you. no reasonable goal or positive outcome
bonds are broken. personal empowerment, saying no, a fuck yeah feeling
16 - The Tower
coming back home to self
sudden change, revelation, release
stroke of illumination, end of false consciousness
slower change
the universe isnt punishing you, its bigger than that
17 - The Star
hope, inspiration, regeneration
inner sensitivity of high priestess and passion of empress
calm after the storm
insecurity, fear, shyness, learning to open to love
18 - The Moon
experiencing the mystery
feelings and intuition over intellectualizing a situation
blocked intuition
19 - The sun
raising consciousness
rebirth after soul journey though darkness
joy of being alive, sense of play
clouds obscuring the sun
20 - Judgement
inner calling rebirth, healing the earth
a transformation that liberates
a pull from ithin to make an important change
guilt, something standing in the way of healing, judging self or others
21 - The World
integration, fulfillment, accomplishment, completion and self acceptance. unifying inner and outer being capable of embracing anything
stagnation, situation remains the same, the structure in place might be really gnarly. this might take awhile.