mini mod.: essential neuroscience Flashcards
Nervous systems allow for homeostatic regulation and response to the external environment
nervous system V endocrine system
HOMEOSTASIS: maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment
Wireless system
specificity of target cell binding
hormones carried in the blood to long distance
slow and long-lasting response (sec to hours)
controls long-lasted activities (growth, reproduction, metabolisms)
influences CNS output
Wired system
anatomical connection with target cells neurotransmitters diffuse through short distances rapid and brief response (msec to sec) coordinates fast and precise responses
voluntary / involuntary
influences endocrine output
other non-regulatory functions!!
The human nervous systems in organised in specialised sub-divisions
central + peripheral nervous system:
brain, brainstem, spinal cord (also splits into white and grey matter)
Brings sensory info from CNS to receptors in peripheral tissues and organs
Sends motor commands from CNS to organs
Somatic nervous system
-neurons to visceral organs
(e.g. heart)
-no voluntary control
Autonomic nervous system
- motor
Neurons structure(general)
cell body - w/ nucleus, golgi, most organelles
neurite - made up by D+A - long filamentous extension responsible for propigating action potentials
synapses - responsible for transmitting information between neurons via neurotransmitter signaling
synapses are a unidirectional chemical junction between neurones
Synapses allow information to pass between neurons
Pre-synapse releases neurotransmitters
Post-synapse carries neurotransmitter sensitive ion channel receptors that can have excitatory or inhibitory effect on the target neuron.
Specialised neurons detect external signals, communicate with other neurons and drive responses in target cells
eg. interneurone, granule cell(cerebellar cortex), pyramidal neurone(gogli type1), granule neuron of cerebellum, sympathetic ganglion neurone, ventral motor neurone
specialised function:
Neurons rarely act in isolations, instead forming complex, interconnected networks of neuron subtypes with highly specialised functions:
Sensory Neurons:
Detection of external and internal information:
light, vibration, temperature, pressure, stretch
Motor Neurons:
Outputting information from the central nervous system to muscles, driving behavioural response
Connecting neurons to each other, amplifying and attenuating activity of a neuronal circuit by integrating additional data
Glia cells specialised functions
(supporting the health and function of the nervous system)
Neurons are also supported by essential, specialised glial cells throughout development and ageing:
‘Glia’ = glue : These cells we historically (incorrectly) thought to just hold the brain together
Proportion of neurons:glia in the mammalian brain remains controversial
Estimates range from 1:1 to 1:50*
types of glia cells:
myelinating glia
Star-shaped’ glia, supporting neuron function and delivery of molecules to/from the vasculature
Activate in response to injury, neuroinflammation or degeneration in the brain:
Non-reactive: Trophic support of neurons, synapse formation and maintenance, clearance of neurotransmitters
Reactive (inflamed): Damage neurons, activate microglia, some phagocytic activity
Resident immune cell of the brain, surveying for pathogens and damaged material
Important roles in development and pruning of excess synapses
Become inflamed in response to pathogens (virus, bacteria etc), injury and neurodegeneration
Morphological and functional changes when activated: increased motility, phagocytosis and release of immune factors (cytokines)
myelinating glia
Myelinate neuron by insulating them in multiple layers of sphingolipids, increasing axon potential speed
CNS and PNS have different glia performing the same role
Oligodendrocytes: Myelinate multiple axons
Schwann Cells: Myelinate single axons
All motor axons are myelinated, and some sensory axons
how researchers measure function of nervous system
in vitro models:
cell culture model:
Stable cells lines – easy to grown, derived from tumours
Primary neuronal cultures (derived from model organisms)
Human stem cell derived cultures
(derived from skin cells of living patients!)
Advances in cell culture technique now allow researchers to grow 3D ‘mini brains’
Powerful tools for pharmacological testing, genetic screening and electrophysiology
Useful for studying disorders associated with ageing?
in vivo models:
Model organisms are a powerful way to understand how nervous system functions
Common model organisms in neuroscience research include:
Rodents (Mouse, Rat)
Zebrafish (Dario renio)
Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
Fruitfly (Drosophila melanogaster)
Nematode worms (Caenorhabditis elegans)
Ethical considerations – must have justification for use of vertebrates, strict regulation of experiments
Model organisms provide a powerful means of understanding how the nervous system function
Behaviour range from simple reflexes to complex learning and memory
Behavioural responses can be manipulated
Behavioural deficits are seem in models of developmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases
Neurons are excitable cells, able to propagate action potentials across their membrane
Most cells have a small difference in membrane potential, however not all cells are excitable
Excitable cells can propagate an action potential across their membrane and include:
muscle (myocytes, cardiomyocytes)
endocrine cells
neuronal cells
Important membrane properties:
Composed of hydrophobic lipids, impermeable to water soluble molecules
Channels/pumps facilitate cross membrane transport of ions and molecules
Channels/pumps are selective, based on size, charge and solubility of substrates
concentration and electrical gradient
concentration gradient:
Molecules move down concentration gradients
i.e. high concentration to low concentration
electrical gradient:
Ions move down concentration gradients
i.e. positive charge to negative charge
measuring electrophysiological activity
Important, widely used technique for measuring neuron activity in cell culture and model organisms
Intracellular recording
Intracellular microelectrode: measure internal voltage
Extracellular electrodes: measures extracellular voltage
The difference in voltage recorded between intra- and extracellular electrodes gives us the membrane potential of the cell of interest
At resting potential, a stable chemical and electrical gradient is established across the neuronal membrane
concentration gradient:
Molecules move down concentration gradients
i.e. high concentration to low concentration
electrical gradient:
Ions move down concentration gradients
i.e. positive charge to negative charge
ions cross neuronal membranes-both passive+active transport
When unstimulated, excitable membranes are held at a resting potential
Resting potential is the point at which difference in ion concentrations are stable across a membrane
Under resting potential, neuronal membranes are:
Permeable to passive diffusion by K+, Na+ and Cl-
Ions pass through ‘leaky’ channels (not through the lipid bilayer)
Impermeable to intracellular large anions
Organic acids, sulphates, phosphates, amino acids
Too large to pass through the membrane channels
Na+, K+ and other ion concentration gradients are maintained by active transporters
Active transporters utilize energy from ATP hydrolysis, pump ions against the chemical
Na+-K+ pump exchanges 3 intracellular Na+ ions for 2 extracellular K+ ions
resting potential
Neuronal cytoplasm is high in potassium (K+), the extracellular fluid is high in sodium (Na+)
Neuronal K+ is buffered by membrane impermeable organic anions (negative charge)
Cell membranes are permeable to K+, allowing diffusion to occur
Negative intracellular electrostatic force prevents further K+ diffusion
summary of processes-diffusion/transport, potassium role, resting potential and sodium/chloride ions
Combined passive diffusion and active transport reach a steady chemical and electrical gradient
Potassium reaches an equilibrium potential (EK) of -90mV - measured as the difference between inside to outside the cell.
Resting potential is primarily the result of a potassium gradient across the neuronal membrane, though other factors also contribute:
Sodium ions – positive charge with low permeability across the neuronal membrane (ENa = +55mV)
Chloride ions – negative charge, passively distributed and dependent of Na+ and K+ distribution (ECl = -60mV)
APs allow neurons to transmit information along their membrane
APs are a short-lived reversals of membrane potential
APs are triggered by input stimulation of inward current, caused by activation of post-synaptic receptors on the neuronal membrane
Cascading reversal of membrane potential transmits a signal across neurite membranes to the synapse, allowing information to rapidly travel long distances
Neurotransmitter release is stimulated by APs reaching the pre-synaptic terminal
APs 4 phases of membrane potential activity
Action potentials are triggered by an input of inward current, caused by an inwards flow of positive ions
Depolarisation: rapid positive change in membrane potential from -70mV to ~+30mV.
Repolarization: rapid negative change in potential
Depolarisation-repolarization ‘spike’ lasts ~1ms
Hyperpolarisation: membrane potential becomes more negative than resting potential
Afterpolarisation: membrane potential returns to resting potential state.