mini mod.: animal behaviour Flashcards
Approaches to studying behaviour-pitfalls
*Ethology –form & function
*Neuroethology –neural control of behaviour
*Behavioural ecology –behavioural adaptations & selection pressures
*Sociobiology –social behaviour
*Behavioural genetics –control of behaviour by multiple genes & modifiers of gene expression
Phsychology-perception, mental representation, learning, etc.
Anthropology -humans + human origins
Anthropomorphism - naive extrapolation from humans to animals(smiling-animals smile out of fear/aggression)
Naive soiciobiology- sexism, racism, militant atheism
eavesdropping+communication networks
animal senses
Communication: Passing of information from a sender to a receiver.
Signals: A feature of an animal that has evolved specifically to alter the behaviour of receivers.
Cues: Any feature that can be usedby an animal as a guide to future action.
Eavesdropping & communication networks- can be exploited by predators eg. Owl
Animal senses: Methods by which animals perceive their environment - Perception of the external world depends on sensory systems
how signals evolve
Cues revealing autonomic stimulation
Urination/defecation-chemical marking of territories
Thermoregulation-raising hair/feathers
Pupil dilation-friendliness/arousal
Yawning-signal of aggression to primates(humans don’t fight with teeth so become physiological role)
Signals evolve to maximise transmission and minimise eavesdropping
Eg. Conspicuousness to a predator
Guppies exposed to different predators
have different colour patterns
Predators drive selection for use of “private wavelengths”
ritualised signals V cues
conspicuous- increase detect ability
Alerting components
Ritualisation of cues revealing changes in behaviour:
Intention movements
Self protective movements
“Displacement” behaviours
signalling danger
Communication with other prey
Communication with predator
Startle displays
Aposematism = conspicuous warning of unprofitability
Pursuit deterrence e.g. mobbing
vervet monkey
An eg. Of coding
Learned calls for specific circumstances :
‘Leopard’ -head for trees
‘Snake’ -stand + search
‘Raptor’ -look at sky
sexual selection
Sexual selection-natural selection for traits that increase reproductive success
sexual V natural selection
Variation between individuals
Variation effects survival
Variation is inherited
Variation between individuals
Variation effects reproductive success
Variation is inherited
Anisogamy-unequal gametes
Eggs are large & expensive,
sperm are small & cheap!
*Males produce huge numbers of tiny sperm
*Females produce a relatively small number of eggs
*Females (usually) invest more in growing & caring for each offspring
Ardent males compete for choosy females!
Intra-sexual competition
Ardent males compete for access to females
-ritualised contest-roaring
-guard of females-forced mating(rape eg. Ducks)
-sperm competition-Competition for inseminations between the sperm of rival males
Inter-sexual selection
Selection favours females who choose the best possible males to mate with
Benefits of choosing good quality mates:
Good resources & parenting ability
Good genes (high quality sexy parents have high quality sexy offspring)
Methods to impress females
Defeat opposition
Defend high quality territory
Provide ‘nuptial gifts’ =courtship feeding
Advertise genetic benefits of a good choice
1. Have attractive traits=runaway sexual selection
2. strategic “handicap”Conley high quality males can afford to possess(hard to escape predators-peacocks tail)
Sexual conflict
Conflict of interest between male and female
Eg. Sexual cannibalism
Eg. Infanticide
-can be over parental care
-some situations, females compete for males
Mating systems
monogamy - eg. European robin
polyagomy/polygyny - eg. marsh harrier
polyandry - eg. phalarope
polygynandry - eg. kentish plover
promiscuity - eg. aquatic warbler
Eg. Of cooperation- parental care, helping siblings
parental care:
Offspring have copies of parents genes, so helping offspring (by feeding them) is an effective way of maximising genetic contribution to future generations
Each parents contributes 50% of its genes to each offspring
helping siblings:
Siblings have coefficient 0.5 so individuals could maximise their genetic contribution to next generation by:
Helping to rear their full siblings
Rearing their own offspring