Mini mental state Flashcards
main principles
- gain consent
- start with open questions
- conclude early if too distressing
-respond to distress with empathy - be curious
- ## report back findings to clinician in charge
general psychiatric assessment flow/
History of Presenting Complaint
Past Psychiatric History
Family History
Personal History
Past Medical History
Use of Medication / Drugs / Alcohol
Forensic History
Mental State Examination
Relevant Physical Examination
Risk Assessment
history of presenting complaint q examples
What is the problem?
How long has it been like this?
What was happening when this started?
What make things worse? Or better?
NB May be difficult to identify starting point – Start of problems? Presentation to GP? Admission to ward?
Choose what seems relevant at the time
“Have you ever had anything like this before?”
“Did you ever seek help for this in the past?”
“Have you ever been in hospital for this before”
“What treatments have you tried in the past?”
personal history qs
Early development
School - social / academic
Home environment
Relationships and children
PMH qs
Medical Conditions
Surgical Procedures
Head Injuries ?Accidents
Deliberate Self Harm
Medication, drugs and alcohol qs
Current Medication
Illicit Drug use
How much?
Alcohol Consumption
How much and how often?
How long?
questions to clarify alcohol and drug use
So what do you actually mean by social drinking?”
“Do you drink every day?”
“What age were you when you first started using drugs?”
“Have you ever injected? Which veins do you use?”
forensic history qs?
juvenile crime
court appearances
length of sentence
against person / property
experience of prison
what is the MSE
- Paints picture of what the patient is like at the time of assessment.
-Allows the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and formulation.
main points of the MSE
Appearance and behaviour
What to see in appearance
Build, dress
Evidence of self neglect
Evidence of self harm
What to see in behavior
Engagement, eye contact, tearfulness anxious
Are they socially appropriate or disinhibited
Are they agitated or distracted
Abnormal movements e.g. tremor
modifications for psychiatric exam/
important risks to consider
Self neglect
Harm to self
Harm to others
Vulnerability to exploitation
Child risk
risk assesment?
How likely is it that an event will occur?
When is it expected to occur?
How bad will it be?
Aim is to develop a collaborative plan to reduce the risk and keep the plan under review
modifications for psychiatric exam?
Patient distressed
Patient has reduced cognitive/intellectual capacity
Non native speaker
Identification of urgent issues (medical/safeguarding/children)
Concerns about risk/safety issues
risk assesment?
How likely is it that an event will occur?
When is it expected to occur?
How bad will it be?
Aim is to develop a collaborative plan to reduce the risk and keep the plan under review