hand exam Flashcards
Intro to hand exam?
-Wash hands and don PPE
-Introduce yourself with name and role ‘
- explain what the examination will involve
-Position the patient seated with their hands supinated and supported on a pillow
-Ask patient if they have any pain before starting
what would you LOOK for?
Pitting and/or nail ridges (seen in psoriasis)
o Onycholysis
o Onychogryphosis
o Splinter haemorrhages, nail fold infarcts e.g. connective tissue disease/
o Clubbing
what 4 things would you look for on the dorsum
What deformities may be present
- fusiform or local swelling
- swan neck
- bouchards nodes
- wrist swelling
what to check on palmar surface
- skin
- scars
- muscle wasting
- deformity
what do you check on the elbows
- rheumatoid or arthritic plaques
what 4 things do you feel
- temperature , hot or cold , dorsum of hands over areas of redness
-palpate- for tenderness , swelling or bony deformities - neuro- check sensation in the dermatomes
-vascular- radial and ulnar pulse
where and how to assess range of motion
-flexion / extension- ask patient to make a fist then straighten fingers
- abduction/ adduction- extend and spread fingers
-flexion, extension,palmar abduction , adduction to opposition