Mini Exam 2 Flashcards
According to Ryan Burge, what are the 3 B’s?
1) Belief
2) Behavior
3) Belonging
When did the nones start to jump?
What caused this shift in the nones?
The rise of the moral majority
What does Ryan Burge refer to this jump as?
Hockey Stick jump
Who are the Seven Sisters?
UMC, ELCA, Presbyterian Church USA, American Baptist, Episcopal Church, DoC, United Church of Christ
What are the 6 categories from the PEW Research
1) E.P.
2) Mainline
3) Roman Catholic Church
4) Black Protestant
5) Judaism
6) Other
When did the nones surpass the EPs?
Where are the nones coming from?
People leaving traditions or not starting them
What did the study at Ashtabula County accomplish?
35.8% reported church attendance every Sunday, but in reality 19.6% were actually in church
What accounts for the discrepancy in the Ashtabula County report?
Social Desirability Bias
What has also increased the nones?
Growth in education
Improvement in wealth
As people get wealthier, religion becomes less important because they are not as vulnerable
True or False: No group has surpassed 30%
According to Ter Kuile, what makes a practice?
What is Ter Kuile’s thesis on connecting?
Make the connection with yourself
Who you are what you hope to be
Connecting with the people around you
Connects you with the natural world
Connecting with the transcendent
The impulse or intuition that there is something more or higher
You cannot achieve the first if you are not doing the others
How does Ter Kuille define Secular spirituality
sacred moments