Minerals Flashcards
Mineral characteristics:
solid, inorganic (no C bonded to H), crystal structure, naturally occurring, all attempt to be electrically neutral, sometimes variable chemical composition
Minerals are identified by:
- Colour
- Lustre
- Clarity
- Streak
- Habit
- Fracture
- Cleavage
- Hardness
Earth minerals:
naturally occurring materials that makeup Earth’s crust
Minerals make up a single:
Most rocks consist of:
many minerals or fossils or soil
All rocks are
solid aggregates of earth materials, earth materials become stuck together to form rock
The physical properties of minerals are influenced by how the atoms:
in the crystal lattice are arranged and the types of bonds that hold the lattice together, also composition
Both diamonds and graphite are minerals made of:
pure carbon, but arranged into different crystal structures
Silicates contain:
SiO4 4-
Native elements:
made of a single element
Oxides contain:
O2 2-
Sulfides contain:
Sulfates contain:
SO4 2-
Halides contain:
A halogen
Carbonates contain:
CO3 2-