Groundwater Flashcards
Estimated that there is 3000x more water stored as groundwater in the upper 800m of
the continental crust than water found in ALL the rivers and streams
Groundwater is our most important:
source of freshwater
About 30% of the Canadian pop depends on:
Groundwater is present where:
the crust has pores (like sand) or fractures (breaks in rocks)
What is the water table?
The level below which the ground is saturated with water, fills all pore spaces, fluctuates with flooding, etc.
What is the capillary fringe?
the boundary zone b/w unsaturated and saturated zones
Water Table rises and falls with:
The seasons, and is not flat. Has muted topography.
- Pores are open spaces within any sediment or rock
- The total volume of open space is term porosity
- Geologic materials exhibit a wide range of porosities (i.e crystal size)
Two categories of porosity:
primary and secondary
Primary porosity
originally formed with the material, ie voids in sediment, vesicles in basalt
Secondary porosity
develops later = fracturing, faulting, dissolution
- The ease of water flow due to pore interconnectedness
- Highly permeable material allows water to flow readily
- Water cannot flow through impermeable material
- Many large and straight flow paths enhance permeability
a body of rock or unconsolidated sediment through which groundwater can flow, transmits water easily
impermeable or low permeability sediment or rock that hinders water flow
Why should deep groundwater take many times longer to reach the discharge area than shallow groundwater?
Travels longer distance, works its way far down and recharging is slower rate
Unconfined vs Confined Aquifers
- Unconfined: an aquifer that intersects the surface, in contact with the atmosphere, easily contaminated
- Confined: an aquifer beneath an aquitard, isolated from the surface, less susceptible to pollution