Mindfulness Flashcards
What is Active Listening?
- Comprehending
- Retaining
- Responding
What is the main problem with modern communication?
We listen to respond, not to understand.
What is often the root of unworthiness?
Childhood experiences.
What is one way of combating unworthiness due to childhood experiences?
Be kind to our self-child with visualizations.
What do we spend up to 50% of our time doing?
Unfocused autopilot: brooding about the day or thinking about the future.
What does brooding about the day or thinking about the future tend to lead to?
Negative self-talk.
What does mind-wandering fuel?
Stress and worry.
How can we stay grounded and focused?
Focus on the breath.
How can we develop positive pathways in the brain?
Practice gratitude.
What is Self-Awareness?
Understanding our strengths and weaknesses, our thoughts and beliefs.
What is one way to combat negative self-talk?
Rather than asking why, which leads to circular thinking, ask what. Not “why did that meeting go poorly” but “what could I have done differently?”
What is Cognitive Bias?
A systemic error in thinking that affects the decisions and judgments that we make.
What is Confirmation Bias?
The tendency to search for, interpret, focus on and remember information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions.
What should we do when receiving negative feedback?
Pause and think or ask, what can I do to make our relationship better? Focus on the underlying feelings, not necessarily what the other person is saying.
What is Negative Self-Talk?
Any inner dialogue you have with yourself that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and your own abilities, and reach your potential. It is any thought that diminishes you and your ability to make positive changes in your life or your confidence in your ability to do so
What is Appraisal Theory?
Emotions are extracted from our evaluations of events that cause specific reactions in different people.
What is Defense Phrase?
A phrase that can be used to combat negative self-talk. For example, thanks, I’ll take that into consideration.
What do mindfulness exercises do?
Help focus by training our mind to recognize when it’s caught up in daydreaming and to gently bring it back.
What is Stress Response?
Fight, flight or freeze. Typically involves a release of adrenaline and cortisol.
What is Mindful Breathing?
Focusing on the breath to ground us in the present.
What does naming emotions do?
Naming emotions lessens their intensity and gives a little distance and perspective.
What is Noting?
Noting helps step out of the loop of thoughts and feelings that feed stress. Watching thoughts as they flow by and not trying to stop them. Simply label thoughts as thinking and gently return to your breath in order to bring yourself back to the present.
What does tuning into the body do?
Tuning into the physical sensations allows us to better understand our thoughts and emotions as well as allow us to put more distance between us and them.
What is Limiting Beliefs?
Beliefs which constrain us in some way.
What is Behavior Chain?
Trigger -> Thought -> Action -> Consequence
How can we increase self-efficacy and motivation?
Set your own learning and development goals.
What is my personal WHY?
I want to become more motivated, attentive and mindful. This will allow me to live my best life proactively. I will have greater contentment and fulfillment as a result.
What is SMART?
Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based.
What is Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)?
The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for priming the body for action, particularly in situations threatening survival. The sympathetic nervous system’s primary process is to stimulate the body’s fight-flight-or-freeze response.
What is Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS)?
Opposite of the Sympathetic Nervous System, it downregulates the responses of the SNS. The PNS is responsible for the stimulation of “rest-and-digest” or “feed-and-breed” activities that occur when the body is at rest.
What is Arousal System?
The SNS and PNS make up the Arousal System.
What is Goldilocks Zone?
The optimal amount of arousal for achieving our goals.
What is Magnification?
When we exaggerate the importance of insignificant events like a mistake.
What is Minimization?
When we lessen the importance of something significant like an achievement. When we constantly live in the negative. When we don’t appreciate our accomplishments.
What is Limited Thinking?
Limited thinking restricts what we can do or accomplish.
What is Self-Love Letter?
Imagine someone unconditionally loving and write yourself a letter from this person. What would they say?
What do we desire most?
To be seen, heard and understood. To be valued and respected.
What are the four steps of Nonviolent Communication?
- Observation (“The music is very loud”)
- Describe our emotions (“It’s hard for me to sleep and making me uncomfortable”)
- State our needs (“I need a good night’s rest”)
- Make a request (“Could you please turn it down?”)
What is Personalizing?
You entirely blame yourself for a situation that in reality involved many factors outside of your control.
What is Catastrophizing?
An irrational thought that causes us to believe that something is far worse than it is. Generally takes two forms: making a catastrophe out of a current situation, and imagining making a catastrophe out of a future situation.
What is Rumination?
Repetitively going over a thought or problem without completion.
What are Automatic Thoughts?
How we see ourselves, the world and our future.
What do we have a cultural bias towards?
Negative self-talk
What is the most effective form of praise?
Self-praise. Allowing praise boosts our self-confidence.
What do confident people have?
Positive self-talk. Talk to yourself like you would someone you love.
What is Mindfulness?
It is a state of being present and conscious of the present moment.
What is Broaden and Build Theory?
The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions suggests that positive emotions broaden one’s awareness and encourage novel, varied and exploratory thoughts, and actions.
What is Self-Distancing?
Viewing your own experience as an observer. Viewing events from a self-distanced perspective has the potential to allow people to work through their experiences and provide insight as well as closure to traumatic events. One way of doing this is to refer to ourselves in the second or third person.
What does controlled breathing do?
Balances our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
What happens if we focus on problems and shortcomings?
If you focus on just the problems and shortcomings, you will feel inadequate, you will only see problems and shortcomings. Focus more on your strengths. And practice gratitude for those strengths.
How does our emotional state interact with our breath?
Stressed or anxious -> shallow, quick breaths.
Calm -> deep, long breaths.
What is Anxiety Feedback Loop?
An anxious thought triggers the stress response which causes more anxiety which causes more physical stress responses, etc.
How can we escape the Anxiety Feedback Loop?
Use something neutral like counting breaths to escape the anxiety feedback loop.
What happens in Depression?
Thoughts and actions lead to a downward spiral. Isolation, helplessness, and replaying negative events.
Negative thought patterns reinforce depression. Become aware and identify the negative patterns.
What is Brain Drain?
Stream of consciousness writing that helps to become aware and identify our thoughts.
What is Positive Focus?
Whatever happens has no inherent meaning - we ourselves assign meaning. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
What is Mind Reading?
Assuming you know what other people think or will do.
What is Fact Checking?
An exercise where you list the thoughts associated with an event and determine which are opinion and which are fact (and which are simply untrue).
How does the subconscious learn fast?
With high repetition and emotional intensity. Kids learn fast by repeating a fun activity over and over again.
What is the concept of being with?
Be present in the moment rather than focusing on taking action or getting to the next level. If you have a headache, don’t focus on the pain or why you have it. Just note it and be with it.
Let what is here, be here, without changing anything about it. Note pain or suffering without ascribing as negative. Use kind curiosity. Observe without judgment. Steadfast equanimity or emotional evenness.
What is Situational Depression?
Negative thinking patterns that make us feel stuck.
What is Cognitive Reappraisal?
Take a moment to think about the negative thought and determine if it’s accurate and serving us.
What lifts our confidence?
Reliving success stories. Making a “great” list and visualizing our successes is a good reminder.
What is Social Isolation?
Social isolation occurs when a person actively removes themselves from social interactions.
What is the hallmark of self-sabotaging thoughts?
They allow us to just sit back and wait for failure. They’re a self-fulfilling prophecy.
What is good luck?
Good luck is the result of good planning.
What is Black and White Thinking?
Seeing an event as only black or white, when it’s typically a shade of gray.
What are we like regarding our emotions?
We are like sailors on a sea of emotions. We can learn to control our boat.
What does feeling deep gratitude improve?
Feeling deep gratitude improves your health, happiness and relationships.
What is Negativity Bias?
Our minds gravitate towards the bad.
What can’t brains feel at the same time?
Brains can’t feel grateful and negative at the same time.
What does smiling do?
The act of using smiling muscles causes your brain to release reward chemicals, even if it feels forced at first.
What is Guilt?
Guilt is an opportunity to repair connection to others. Some parts of guilt we may want to keep with us, because they inspire positive change. Other parts, we might want to leave behind.
What is Shame?
Shame exists to keep us from being excluded by the community.
How can we manage our inner critic?
Compensate by bringing attention to the positive things we have to offer.
What are the pillars of self-esteem?
- Self-acceptance: “I’m alright just the way I am.” Accept all parts, good and bad. Standing up for one’s own values and opinions. Benevolent attitude to one’s own body and appearance. Valuing oneself as a person in general. What makes me a valuable person?
- Self-confidence: I can do that and do that well. I can’t do that and that’s fine. Know abilities and strengths as well as weaknesses. Realistic view on what I can and cannot do. Respond well to criticism.
- Social skills: I’m good at relating to others. Our ability to deal with other people. Building emotional closeness as well as boundaries. Don’t be a pushover. Don’t keep people at a distance. React flexibly to different people and situations. Not shy of confrontation. Open to new people. Distance from people we don’t like.
- Social network: I feel like I belong and can rely on others. Friends, partners, family, coworkers, acquaintances. Quality of relationships, not quantity. Loose friendships could feel lonely or unloved. A great social network could be just one friend. Up to your own needs. Feel that you can rely on others in your network. Accepted for good and bad qualities. What’s the use if you have to pretend to be someone else? Who do I feel strong and confident around? Who strengthens and builds me up when I need it? Or is there to help me out when I need them? Who am I always there for to support? Who can always rely on me? Who likes me the way I really am, the good and the bad?
What are role models?
Role models can be a rich source of inspiration. It’s easier for us to see in others what we’d like to see in ourselves. More the merrier for role models.
What can affirmations do?
Affirmations can help you to overcome self-sabotaging thoughts and drive positive change.