Mind, Body & Soul Flashcards
Which is more important for Plato - body or soul?
Soul as it is part of the world of the forms
3 aspects of the soul for Plato
Reason, Appetite, Spirit
Plato’s analogy of the soul
Charioteer and two hours - reason guiding appetite and spirit
For Plato is the soul indivisible or divisible?
For Aristotle what is the soul?
The form of the body
Describe Aristotle’s Axe Example
If an axe was living the metal and wood would be its body and the soul would be its form (its ability to cut)
Describe Aristotle’s Eye Example
If an eye were an animal then sight would be its soul. If it lost its ability to see it would cease to be an eye
Describe the 3 types of soul for Aristotle
Rational (Humans) > Sensetitive (Animals) > Nutrative (Plants)
For Aristotle do dead animals have a soul?
GEM Anscombe’s Example
Pointing - an action with meaning
What is substance dualism?
The body and soul are completely seperate
For Descartes what is the seat of interation
Pineal Gland
For Descartes what is the difference between the body and mind
The body is naturally divisible, the mind is not
What are Ryle’s criticisms?
Ghost in the Machine - how can the non physical operate the physical?
Category Error - body and soul cannot be seperated like a pair of gloves, Cambridge university example
What is materialism?
The idea that the mind can be fully explained by the physical
What is self awareness for Dawkins?
Developed through evolution because it’s beneficial
Soul One
Dawkins- “mystic jelly” - non physical tradiitional idea of the soul
Soul Two
Identity Theory
Mental events can group into types. Types can then be correlated with brain events. Makes use of type token distinction
UT Place
Mental events can be composed of other mental events
Senses on throat could detect words said silently to oneself
Daniel Dennet
Myth of the Cartesian Theatre
Feels like I expereience the world looking out from my head
For Dennet there is no central place were conciousness happens
Susan Blackmore
Supports Dennet, “Conciousness is a gradn delusion”
Soul and body are distinct
Soul allows us to recognise goodness
Keith Ward
Without a soul morality becomes a matter of personal taste