Mind and Body Flashcards
how does the mind affect physiology?
through behavioral response. intentional reflexive or unconscious (stress)
what are stressors
any challange
unpleasant emotion to stress
stress response can be either
adaptive or maladaptive
relaxation response
mitigates or prevents the stress response
features of maladaptive stress response
triggered without threat, lasts too long, inadequate to task
exapation of stress response
same response for multiple triggers
stress physiology in the brain includes
prefrontal cortex and limbic system
prefrontal cortex
top down control of impulses, decision making, down regs stress response
livic system
amygdala and hippocampus
emotion, fear/aggression, up regulates stress response
contextual, episodic, memory, down regulates stress response
what down regulates stress resposne
prefrontal cortex and hippocampus
HPA axis releases
corticoids, catacholamines
physiologic changes due to stress response
increase tissue oxidation, increase certain blood flow, decrease digestion, increase free radicals
stress management
wait and treat stress disorder, treat distress, address stress response, avoid stress
is treating distress good?
increases quality of life in the moment, but not sustainable longterm,
allostatic load
maintaining allostasis requires huge energy cost
placebo effect
improvement contributed to the meaning of treatment, not physiology
types of placebo (3)
pure, impure, open label
mechanisms of placebo
open/hidden, learned response, expectancy (other two are unconscious)
uses for placebo
eraser, clinical context of care
is placebo predictable
not very, but real