Milk (Exam 2) Flashcards
What are the different types of milk harvesting housing?
Tie stall barn: pipeline system above cow to carry milk from udder to bulk storage; stay in dry feed lots/barn; into holding pen; into milking parlor with doors open, walk in voluntary, door closes automatically
Parallel parlor: straight back
Herringbone parlor: angled
Rotary parlor
All these styles have pipelines below cows = good for milk as gravity pulls down and don’t ruin the quality of milk
How is milking prepped?
Stimulation of milk let down and pre-stripping
Udder clipped/hair singed
Single cloth towels
Add Machine
Machine automatically released
What occurs with stimulation of milk let down and pre-stripping?
Allow milk to squirt out to evaluate (45-60s)
Cows with mastitis are held out and not milked into the lane (puss in milk)
Why/how are udders clipped/long hairs singed?
With cool flame
To prevent dirt and debris introduced in milk
What is the purpose of pre-dip?
Stimulates teats and allows milk to come down (0.5% iodine)
What is the purpose of single-cloth towels?
Removes pre-dip after 30 seconds of contact time
Teats clean and ready for machine application
Define: Backflush and Machine Add On
2 vacuum system and massaging system
Pulsation mimicking calves
If suction too hard, start pulling blood and damages cap, ducts, and teat
What is the purpose of the machine automatically releasing?
Measures milk let down and identifies when low milk volume
What steps are taken to confirm that the cow is healthy and that the milk she produces is wholesome for consumption?
Each cow’s udder evaluated for heat, swelling, and pain to determine if milk is suitable for milking
Pre-stripping allows milk to squirt out before milking to evaluate the milk
Testing for mastitis of other infectious diseases that could lead to spoilage/bad/taste/dangerous milk
What is the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance?
Make high quality product with low pathogens/bacteria
Govern design and maintenance of dairy farms and processing plants to make sanitation and milk quality uniform across state lines (adopted by most states
What regulations are in the pasteurized milk ordinance?
Standard for milk harvest, storage, transport, cow facilities, equipment specification, cleaning processes
Inspections and oversights
Testing milk
Allowable limits for test results
Pasteurization standards
Packaging and handlin
How does mastitis affect the cow, the milk, the quality of the milk, and the safety of the milk?
Inflammation of mammary gland = influx of inflammatory cells and mediators
Most commonly due to bacterial infection
Most common infectious disease of lactating cows
Cause disease in cow = cow health problem
YES FOOD QUALITY PROBLEM = increase somatic cell count, milk composition changes
Abnormal milk/milk quality
Most common reason for antibiotic use in dairies (drug residue is major concern, withdrawal time after use)
What are the clinical signs of mastitis in cows?
Local infections of udder = redness, swelling, heat, pain
Milk = clots, thick/thin, color
Systemic = fever, tachycardia, diarrhea, weakness, death
What are the somatic cell tests?
California mastitis test: rapid; add milk to wells, add reagent, color change test = coagulates somatic/enucleated cells
Electronic SCC: test large numbers of individual cows (commercial dairies) monthly = look at summary (% up/down, compare parity/age, % herd with low SCC)
What are the normal/high SCC values?
Normal: <250k
High Quality: <100k
Mastitis: >300K
How is mastitis managed?
Bacterial culture: key to appropriate management of problem herds, determine why high SCC (sample from each teat and test)
Intramammary antibiotic infusion: routine treatment (inject locally, better tx than systemic)
What are the bacterial sources of milk contamination?
Teat skin/canal (commensals)
Machine liners/tubers (improper procedures, cleaning, water temperature)
Systemic infections