Military Architecture Of The Middle Ages Flashcards
What is a castle?
A seigneurial dwelling
What is a fortress
A place strengthened or well protected against attack, essentially a military stronghold
What is a fortified castle?
A fortified seigneurial dwelling; the castle is the symbolic and military centre of a seigneurial I.e. The lord’s jurisdiction over which he had political, judicial and administrative authority.
What is the keep?
A strongly built tower of an ancient castle
What is a dungeon?
A dark underground room used as a prison, especially in a castle
What is a curtain wall?
A wall between two towers
What is a buttress?
A projecting stone breastwork shouldering and strengthening a wall
What is a chemise?
A low surrounding wall closely encircling the base of a tower, usually the keep
What is moat?
A deep wide ditch that was dug around a castle and filled with water, to protect it from enemies
What is a drawbridge?
A wooden bridge which drawn up or let down at will denying or allowing access over a moat
What is a portcullis?
A strong heavy wooden or iron grating sliding in vertical grooves to close a gateway
What is an assommoir?
An opening made over a passage for firing or throwing down missiles on the enemy
What is a barbican?
A defensive outwork usually circular like an island in the middle of the moat and protecting the main access of the fortress
What is a rampart?
A high wide wall of stone or earth with a path on the top built around a castle, a fort, a city, etc. to defend it
What is a parapet walk?
A walkway on top of a tower or a rampart, often equipped with battlements and machicolation
What are battlements?
(On top of a tower or a surrounding wall) low walls with openings at intervals made for shooting through
What is a crenel?
Open portion of a parapet over a rampart or a tower