Milgram Flashcards
To test if harmful orders were obeyed and if it was one time experience.
Participants would not obey commands harm others, this would challenge the idea of levels of obedience.
Type: Lab Experience
All participants were given an interview and debriefed after study. Participants were view through a one way mirror.
- Introduction: Participants met a “learner” (a confederate) and an experimenter. Roles of “teacher” and “learner” were rigged so participants were always the teacher.
- Setup: The learner was strapped to a chair with electrodes, and participants received a 45-volt shock to enhance authenticity.
- Task: Participants read word pairs and administered shocks for incorrect answers, increasing the voltage by 15 volts each time.
- Learner’s Distress: The learner displayed increasing signs of distress, eventually falling silent.
- Experimenter Prompts: If participants hesitated, the experimenter encouraged them to continue using verbal prods.
- Conclusion: The study ended when participants either refused to continue or delivered the maximum 450-volt shock.
- Debriefing: Participants were debriefed and interviewed about their experience.
Participants: 40 males, aged 20-50, from New Haven, Connecticut.
Sampling Method: Self-selected via a newspaper ad, offering payment for participation.
A shock generator marked with voltage levels from 15 to 450 volts and labels such as “slight shock” and “XXX.”
-Quantitative Data: The maximum voltage reached by each participant.
-Qualitative Data: Emotional reactions such as sweating, trembling, and nervous laughter; post-experiment interviews.
-65% of participants delivered the maximum 450-volt shock.
-Signs of extreme stress, including seizures, were observed in several participants.
-Most participants believed the setup was genuine.
Behavior changed in response to an order from an authority figure.
Authority figure’s prods
Level of obedience
Obedience isn’t tied to any one culture or group, it’s something all people are capable of. What really matters are the situations we’re in. When someone in a position of authority gives orders, people are often willing to follow, even if it goes against what they personally believe is right.