Milestones Flashcards
stranger anxiety
9 months
polysyllabic babbling
9 months
3 finger grasp (immature pincer grasp)
9 months
transfer objects from hand to hand
6 months
mature pincer grasp (2 fingers)
12 months
Able to fixate on face
2 months
can copy a cross and a square
4 years
Ties shoelaces
age 5+
Can stack 8 cubes
30-36 months
copies a triangle
5 years
can use scissors to cut on a line
4 years
hops on 1 foot several times
4 years
social smile
When does the asymmetric tonic neck reflex disappear?
usually 5-6 months
How many body parts can a 4 year old draw?
usually 4
When can a child do buttons?
4 years
goes up stairs alternating feet
3 years
When does object permanence appear?
8-10 months
stacks 4-6 cubes
24 months
stacks 2-3 cubes
18 months
by what age does birth weight double?
5 months
by what age does birth weight triple?
1 year
by what age does birth length double?
4 years
Can track 180 degrees
2 months
Can walk backwards
5 years
What gestational age do you start seeing creases on soles of feet?
32-33 weeks
When does rooting reflex disappear?
4 months
When does moro reflex disappear?
3-4 months
What age do kids go up and down stairs with two feet on each step?
24 months
Can identify 1 or more body part
18 months
Parachute reflex appears at age..
6-9 months