Milestones! Flashcards
Opens and shuts hands
3 months
Finds objects even when hidden under two or three covers
24 months
Interested in mirror images
7 months
Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts
24 months
Enjoys imitating people in his play
12 months
Tries to imitate words
12 months
Rolls both ways (front to back, back to front)
7 months
Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)
12 months
Follows simple instructions
24 months
Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed
12 months
Uses pincer grasp
12 months
Understands concept of “two”
36 months
Expresses affection openly
36 months
Supports whole weight on legs
7 months
Takes objects out of container
12 months
Separates easily from parents
36 months (3 years)
Reaches with one hand
7 months
Finger-feeds himself
12 months
Imitates adults and playmates
36 months
Turns book pages one at a time
36 months
Grasps and shakes hand toys
3 months
Objects to major changes in routine
36 months
Kicks a ball
24 months
Creeps on hands and knees
12 months
Makes mechanical toys work
36 months
Distance vision matures
7 months
Cries when mother or father leaves
12 months
Begins to show defiant behavior
24 months
Expresses a wide range of emotions
36 months
Shy or anxious with strangers
12 months
Recognizes and identifies most common objects and pictures
36 months
Uses exclamations, such as “oh-oh!”
12 months
Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet
36 months
Builds tower of four blocks or more
24 months
Follows a two or three part command
36 months
Repeats sounds or gestures for attention
12 months
Stands on tiptoe
24 months
uses simple phrases
24 months (by 18 to 24 mo)
Walks alone
24 months
Understands placement in space (on, in, under)
36 months
Enjoys social play
7 months
Responds to other people’s expressions of emotion and appears joyful often
7 months
Begins make-believe play
24 months
Beginning to show hand preference
24 months
Walks up and down stairs holding on to support
24 months
Babbles chains of sounds
7 months
Watches faces intently
3 months
Lets objects go voluntarily
12 months
Finds partially hidden object
7 months
Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings
12 months
Transfers object from hand to hand
7 months
Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface
3 months
Finds hidden objects easily
12 months