Milestones Flashcards
Responds to noise (either by crying, or quieting), follows an object moved in front of eyes
4 weeks
Social smiling
6 weeks
Head steady on sitting
3 months
Rolls from stomach to back, starts babbling
6 months
Transfers objects from hand to hand, looks for dropped object
7 months
Sits unsupported, begins to crawl
9 months
Cruising (walking by holding furniture)
12 months
Walks without assistance, speaks about 10-20 words
18 months
Runs, climbs up and down stairs alone, makes 2-3 word sentences
2 years
Dresses self except for buttons and laces, counts to 10, feeds themself well
3 years
Hops on one foot, copies a cross
4 years
Copies a triangle, skips
5 years
Reacts to loud noises, vocalises pleasure and displeasure (laughs, cries)
0-6 months
Responds to own name, responds appropriately to angry and friendly tones, babbles* (says ba-ba-ba)
6-12 months
Uses single words with meaning (referred to as the ‘holophrastic’ stage), understands simple instructions, tries to imitate simple words
12-18 months
Has a vocabulary of up to 40-50 words (mainly nouns and pronunciation often unclear), knows simple body parts, understands simple verbs (eat, sleep), starts to combine words (e.g. More play) referred to as the telegraphic stage*
18-24 months
Able to name a number of objects, vocabulary of 150-300 words, able to combine words into short sentences, begins to use prepositions, answers simple questions
24-36 months
Has a vocabulary of 900-1000 words, begins to use plurals and past tense, handles three word sentences easily, groups objects such (e.g. Food, animals), strangers will understand most of what is said
36-48 months
Puberty (males)
9-14, average 12
Puberty (females)
8-14, average 11
Precocious puberty in males
before 9
Precocious puberty in females
before 8
Onset of secondary breast development
What tanner stage does menarche happen in
Tanner 4
How much does thelarche precede menarche by
2 years
When (which stage) does the male growth spurt happen
Between stages 3-4 (done by stage 5 in 95%)
When (which stage) does the female growth spurt happen
Between stages 2-3