Milestones Flashcards
Birth Milestones
* visually fix
1 Month Milestones
* raise head from prone * follow to midline * Alerts to sound * Start of throaty sounds * Regards face * Social smile may emerge by 6 weeks
2 Month Milestones
* Hold head midline * Lift head 45* * Track past midline * Cooing * Social smile
4 Month Milestones
* Head up and look about when prone * Roll both ways * Sit with support * Bring hands to midline * Vowel sounds * Cooing, blowing raspberries * Enjoys looking around, follows person around room with eyes
6 Month Milestones
* Sits without help * Commando crawl * *** Transfer objects *** * Raking grasp / radial palmar * Hands/feet to mouth * Babbling * Immitates sounds * Ready social smile * Reaches for toys out of reach * Knows name
9 Month Milestones
* Pull to stand * Crawl on hands and knees * Inferior pincer / radial digital grasp * Hold object in each hand and bang together * 1st words * Peek-a-boo, clapping * Show objects to others * Object permenance
12 Month Milestones
* Walk / cruise * Climb into chair * Fine pincer grasp * Turn page * Toss ball * Marks with crayon * Tries to stack 2 blocks * 1-2 words * mama / dada specifically * Understand 100 words * Pointing, shaking head “no” * Follow command with gesture
15 Month Milestones
* Walking alone, more steadily * Stack 3-4 blocks * Tries to brush hair * 3-5 words [3 x 5 = 15] * Shows empathy * Point to one body part * Follow one step command without gesture
18 Month Milestones
* Run * Stack 4 blocks * Use spoon and cup * Scribble * 50 words typical (7-10 minimum) * Kisses * Pointing * Point to 5-6 body parts
2 Year Milestones
* Runs * Up and down stairs [between 2 floors] * *** At least 50 words *** * *** “2” word sentences *** * *** 50% intelligible to strangers *** [“2”/4 = 50%] * Can alternate emotions rapidly * Temper tantrums * Parallel play
3 Year Milestones
* *** Tricycle [3 wheels] *** * *** Jump, run, kick ball *** * *** Copies Circle [360* in a circle] *** * *** Understands “3” step command *** * 4-5 word sentences * *** 75% intelligible to strangers *** [3/4 = 75%] * Starts to play with others * Emotions are extreme and short lived * Pretend play * Simple puzzles * Knows name, age, sex * Interested in or completed potty training
4 Year Milestones
* Hop on 1 foot * Throw ball overhand * Uses safety scissors * *** Copies a square *** [4 sides in a square] * 5-6 word sentences * Tell stories * *** 100% intelligible to strangers *** [4/4 = 100%] * Active and aggressive at play * Better at sharing / taking turns * Identify basic colors * Match same objects * Fantasy vs. reality * Why? why? why? * Start to dress self
5 Year Milestones
* Skip * *** Draw triangle *** * Draw person with head, body, arms, and legs * 14,000 words * Advanced grammar (eg future tense) * Understands rules * Likes to please others and have friends * Know address and phone number * Count to 10 * Basic concept of time * Dress and undress self