MIL Script Flashcards
What is multimedia?
From multi and media, multimedia is a combination of multiple media forms. This means that computer information can be represented through video, audio, and animation in addition to traditional media through text, drawings, and graphics.
Graphics are still or static pictures that usually accompany text to illustrate the point or ideas the text makes. In a multimedia context, it may consist of slide shows or galleries that a website or social media visitor can view. Graphics may also refer to the visual representation of information, ideas, or data.
It also refers to sound or the technology used to record, produce, and play back sound. It can include music, speech, and other sounds. Audio can be tecorded and stored on devices such as CDs, DVDs, and computers.
.dir and .dcr
File extensions for Director Files
File extension for a 3D animation software called 3ds Max developed by AutoDesk
The latest version of the GIF file format which allows multiple images to be put into a single file and then be displayed as an animation in the web browser