MIL Flashcards
What is the 5 C’s in 21st-Century skills
Critical thinking
Refers to a two way process
Shannon and Weaver model
Explains the xircular process in which the roles of being a receiver and sender can be interchange
Charles Osgood’s Model
Emphasizes the shared understanding and and experience between the sender and receiver
Schramm’s Model
Refers to one’s cognitive ability to process information using a written material in carious context
Reders to one’s ability so search,access, consolidate,utilize and create relevant information for varying purposes
Information Literacy
Focuses on how a person identify and scrutinizes the roles and function of media institution
Media Literacy
Refers to skill in effectively using a technology
Technology literacy
Is a set of integrated skills, attitude, competencies and skills to empower citizens to understand and communicate
Media and Information Literacy
•Also known as prehistoric age
•Cave painting was the earliest source of media
•other examples of media in this period are papyrus and codex
Pre-Industeial Age
•Responsible for widespread dissemination of information
•The most notable invention is the printing press
•Telegraph, Telephone
Industrial Age
•Allowed mass media to take form
•the invention of the transistor
Electronic Age
•The birth of the internet
•the invention of computing device such as laptop, tablet, etc.
•most notable for the use of social media website
Information Age