Mike Meyers Ch2 Keyterms Flashcards
Application layer
OSI Layer 7, it doesn’t refer to the applications themselves it refers to the code built into all operating systems that enables network aware applications.
Application programming interfaces (API)
Used by programmers to make their program network aware
Broadcast/Broadcast address
Broadcast is used to discover a MAC address that it doesn’t currently know.
Broadcast address is FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
A type of binary math that the receiving NIC uses to verify that the data arrived intact
Data Link Layer
Layer 2 of the OSI model.
Also know as segments depending on the specific transport protocol used
The reverse process of stripping all the extra header information out as the data goes up the stack
Device ID
The last 6 digits of the manufacturers unique serial number for a NIC
This is the entire process of preparing data to go onto the network and includes all the steps from application, presentation, session, transport, network and data link layers. Each of the 6 layers adds more information so that the data get to the correct recipient and the recipient knows what to do with the data
Stands for extended unique identifier
A container for a chuck of data moving across a network
Internet Layer
Should really be called the “IP Packet” layer. Any device or protocol that deals with pure IP packets - getting an IP packet to its destination
Internet Protocol
Part of the TCP/IP protocol
IP Address
A unique numeric identifier also know as a logical address to distinguish it from the physical address, the MAC address of the NIC
Logical addressing
A method large networks need that ignores hardware and enables you to break up the entire large network into smaller networks called subnets. It’s like a postal code or telephone number in scheme
The IEEE forms MAC addresses from a numbering name space which was originally LLC called MAC-48… which means that the MAC address will be 48 bits
MAC address
Media access control address. A special firmware containing a unique identifier with a 48bit value
NIC network interface card
Serves as the interface between pc and the network.
Network Interface Layer
Part of the TCP/IP model that lumps the OSI’s layer 1 & 2 into a single layer called the link layer or network interface layer
Network Protocol
A special software that uses logical addressing to move past the physical MAC addresses
OSI or Open interconnection seven layer model
One of the methods used to conceptualize the many parts of the network
OUI -Organizationally Unique Identifier
6 hex digits assigned by the IEEE to a manufacturer and no other manufacturer may use
At the network layer, layer 3, containers called packets are created and addresses so they can go from one network to another.
The data, or payload, starts and ends in the application. Layer 7 of OSI model and Layer 4 of the TCP/IP model
Physical address
A term the ipconfig calls the MAC address
Physical layer
Layer 1 of the OSI model - anything that moves data from one system to another, such as copper cabling, fiber optics, even radio waves, is part of the physical layer.
Presentation layer
Layer 6 of the OSI model that translates data from lower layers into a format usable by the application layer and vice versa.
Are sets of early defined rules, regulations, standards, and procedures that enable hardware and software developers to make devices and applications properly at a particular level. E
Makes logical addressing powerful, by connecting subnets.
A chunk of data created in the transport protocol
Session layer
Layer 5 of the OSI model that handles all the sessions for a system. The session layer initiates sessions, accepts incoming sessions and opens/closes existing sessions
Largest networks broken up into smaller networks.
A smarter device that replaced the hub
TCP Segment
To see the transport layer in action, strip away the IP address from an IP packet. What’s left is a chunk of data in yet another container called the TCP SEGMENT
Part of the TCP/IP Protocol.
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Model including the link, Internet, transport and application layers
A model with 4 layers
Transport Layer
Layer 4 of the OSI model that is the assembler/disassembler software.
UDP datagram
A container that helps move data from the application layer.
Unshielded Twisted Pair
A cable that usually contains four pairs of wires that can transmit and receive data
User Datagram Protocol
A connectionless protocol