Ch 3 Keyterms Flashcards
The maximum amount of data that goes through the cable per second
Bus topology
Uses a single cable that connects all of the computers in a line.
BNC connector
Bayonet style connection, was the most popular cable used back in the day.
Category (CAT) ratings
Used to help network installers get the right cable for the right network. CAT ratings are officially rated in megahertz indicating the highest frequency the cable can handle.
One of the 4 components of a fiber optic cable
Coaxial cable
Contains a central conductor wire(usually copper) surrounded by an insulating material, which, in turn, is surrounded by a braided metal shield.
A fiber optic cable has four components: the glass fiber itself (the core)
Unwanted transfer of signals between communication devices.
A 25-pin female - rather than male - DB type connector
The most common serial pot, 9-pin male D-subminiature
Electronic interference EMI
A phenomenon where one electromagnetic field interferes with another resulting in the distortion of both fields
A connector for coax
Fault tolerance
Is the property that enables a system to continue operating properly in the event of the failure of some of its components
Fiber optic cable
Transmits light rather then electricity making it attractive for both high EMI areas and long distance transmissions
Fully meshed topology
Every computer connects directly to every other computer
Hybrid topology
Any form of networking technology that combines a physical topology with a signaling topology
Institute of Wlecrtical and Electonics Engineers (IEEE)
Defines industry-wide standards that promote the use and implementation of technology.
IEEE 1284
Commuter sets the standards for parallel communication.
Insulating jacket
One of the 4 components of a fiber optic cable.
Logical topology
How the signals travel electronically. Also called the signaling topology.
Mesh topology
Every computer connects to every other computer via two or more routes.
Model distortion
A unique problem to multimode fiber optics
Multimode fiber
A fiber optic cable that uses LEDs
Network technology
A practical application of a topology and other critical technologies that provides a method to get data from one computer to another on a network
Network topology
That’s way that cables and other pieces of hardware connect to one another
Ohm Rating
A relative measure of resistance (or more precisely, characteristic impedance) on the cable.
Partially Meshed topology
Network where at least two machines have redundant connections.
Physical topology
How we separate the cables physically
Electrical cable that is laid in the plenum spaces of buildings.
Point-to-multipoint topology
Where a single system acts as a common source through which members of the point-to-multipoint network converse.
Point-to-point topology
Networks two computers directly together with no need for a central device of any kind.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Provides no significant fire protection, creating a lot of smoke and noxious fumes.
Radio Grade rating (RG)
Coax cable rating to provide a quick reference for the different types of coax
Ring topology
Connects all computers on the network with a ring of cable
A third type of fire rating that designates the proper cabling to use for vertical runs between floors of a building
A type of connectors used for telephones that supports up to two pairs.
A type of connector supports up to four-pair of wires.
RS-232 or recommended standard upon which all serial communication takes place on your PC, dates from 1969 and has t substantially changes in around 40 years.
Shielded twisted pair STP
Consists of twisted pairs of wires surrounded by shielding to protect them from EMI
Signaling topology
How we separate the cables from physical cables and how the signals travel electronically. Also called logical topology.
Single mode fiber (SMF)
A fiber optic cable that uses lasers
Star topology
Uses a central connection box for all the computers on the network and provide a huge benefit by offering fault tolerance.
Star-bus topology
One of two hybrid topologies? That eventually lost market share.
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
The most common type of network cabling.