Migration Lecture 1 Flashcards
Hardy, 2019
- The Home Office being able to access data that public sector organisations can deters people from reporting crime, if they are an illegal immigrant.
Fekete, 2020; Weller et al, 2019
Deters people from going to the doctors.
May, 2012
“The aim is to create, here in Britain, a really hostile environment for illegal immigrants.”
Bowling and Westenra, 2020
“The vast majority of irregular migrants are otherwise law-abiding people and would not be considered ‘threat’ to anyone’s safety.”
Four facts about asylum seekers:
- They make up 0.6% of the UK population.
- 2016-2018, 54% of asylum applicants received a grant - just under half refused or ongoing.
- Jan 2020-Sep 2020, majority of AS did not arrive in small boats.
- The Pew Report - between 800,000 and 1.2m people living in the UK do not have a valid residence permit - another report suggests the majority of these are VISA overstayers.
‘The criminalisation of migration’
“Criminalising migration has not been shown to prevent irregular status […] concerning practice.”
Migrants are a modern day ‘folk devil.’
- Demonised and over-policed.
This leads to: - Creation of specific immigration crime offences.
- Deportation as a response to criminal penalty UK Borders Act 2007.
- Making those who facilitate irregular migrants liable for criminal and civil sanction UK Immigration Acts of 2014 & 2016.
- Restrictive and punitive civil exclusions - access to everyday activities are denied.
Blanchette and Da Silva (2012)
- Describe a lot of the rhetoric around sex trafficking as ‘bullshit’.
Frankfurt (2006)
Warn that reliance on dodgy statistics and the conflation of trafficking with other forms of migration and labour risk eliciting sympathy fatigue amongst the general public.
‘On Bullshit’
- A 2005 book by Harry G. Frankfurt.
- BS is speech that is intended to persuade without regard for truth.
Trafficking of women and children
- Often linked to prostitution and sex work.
- Described as a ‘modern form of international slavery’.
- ‘The fastest growing criminal industry in the world - Amnesty.org’
Mai (2011)
- Sex workers are often economic migrants. Can lead to a moral panic where all migrant sex worker are presented as trafficked.
Super bowl sex trafficking.
- On Jan 15, 2011, there were 135 escort ads on backpage.com. This is a website that posts listings for everything, from furniture to cleaning services and includes an adult section with escort ads.
- According to Traffick911, day after super bowl there were 367 ads.
- 300% increase in sex trafficking.
Modern Slavery
- In 2016, 40.3 million people were living in modern slavery (Global Slavery Index, 2018)
- On 1st October 2022 - “Ms Braverman has vowed to take domestic action […] stop exploitation.”
How much is the HT market worth?
- Estimated at $32b according to ILO, 2005.