Migration-Development Nexus Flashcards
What is the Migration and Development Timeline:
¥ 1950s-1973: IM as driver of industrialisation and capitalist development in sending and receiving countries
¥ 1973-2000: Dominant pessimism. Migration doesn’t stimulate, but undermines development in sending countries (brain drain, remittance dependency, “Dutch disease”)
¥ Since 2000: Rapid turnaround of views under influence of surging remittances and key actors in ‘development community’ (GCIM, World Bank, DfID)
How does Developmental differences influence migration:
• Studies in 2000 show that the median wage levels for works in the same occupation were 21% in low income economies compared to high income countries
What is the impact of migration on development?
• In sending countries depends on:
o Demographic characteristics of those who leave
o Skills characteristics (brain drain)
o Whether they return (brain gain), etc.
o Use of remittances (whether they send back money (and what for), etc.)
Explain Brain-Gain argument
- Emigration as an economic ‘safety valve’
- Return-migration can serve economic development as experiences and resources gained are applied in the source country
- Emigration prospect as an incentive to invest into education, not all will move (Stark)
- Phillipines development model, training nurses for the international medical market, and this has positive domestic side effects, raises education level as Stark suggests
Explain Brain-Drain Argument
• Developing countries loose some of their brightest and most qualified workers
• Developing world subsidises the training of workers for the developed world (e.g. doctors and nurses)
- Are immigration controls in the interest of countries of origin?
• 74% of foreign born doctors, and 65% of nurses in OECD countries originate from non OECD countries
• Over half of the doctors trained in developing countries currently work in OECD countries
• phenomenon of OECD countries recruiting medical personel from poorer development countries
What is the role of Aid in Reducing Migration Pressure?
- Effectiveness of foreign aid has been questioned
- ODA payments are made for a variety of reason (colonial ties, strategic considerations, kick backs for domestic industries, etc.)
- generally not believed to be very effective in reducing migration (small size, difficulties in targeting, etc.)
- UN Targets: 0.7 percent of GDP (regularly met only by NL, DK, SWE and NOR)
Role of Investment and Trade in Development
- FDI is short term oriented and isn’t a long term sustainable development goal
- FDI results in Capital flight and doesn’t boost domestic enterprises or DRM
- Role of Trade in Development
- trading in goods can substitute for economically motivated migration
- But: main import restriction in industrial countries are on labour-intensive products in which the developing world has a comparative advantage
- trade liberalisation can lead to labour displacements in the short term (the ‘migration hump’)
- NAFTA triggered a large inflow of U.S. government- subsidized corn into Mexico.
- U.S. government subsidy to corn producers: $4.2 billion per year
- Cheaper, imported corn depressed the price of domestically-produced corn in Mexico by 48%.
- Widely seen as having been responsible for large- scale job-losses by Mexican farm-workers and increased migration pressures
- Overnight with Nafta trade liberalization, mexican small scale corn producers had to compete with heavily subsidized large scale corn producers in the US
- Ironically, some of those farmers losing their jobs in Mexico irregular migrated to the US to work in farms
- A lot of people have put a lot of faith in remittances when considering the migration-development nexus
- Remittances treated as the most promises for development in sending countries
• What is migration hump?
- In the early years of a trade liberalization agreement you might have economic disruptions that might lead to people losing their jobs
- When disposable incomes of individuals increases, this might actually enable people that weren’t previously able to migrate, to migrate
- When you think about this interms of electoral cycles, that’s a long time that policy makers aren’t willing to engage in, their measures have to be time effective
What is the role of the Diaspora in development
• Individual migrants and diasporas can contribute to home country development
o financial (remittances, investment, trade, entrepreneurial activity, skills and knowledge) and
o Important source of finance for countries of origin
o Estimated to be significantly larger than official foreign development aid
o Question about the productive capacity of such financial flows
o Do they produce sustainable growth opportunities or just new dependencies?
o non-financial (knowledge transfer, political, social and cultural exchange, and support for democratization and the protection of human rights)
• Estimates of Remittances
- WB Estimates that remittance flows annually exceeded 500b dollars a year, but the official statistics might underestimate what is happening because it isn’t all official channels to transfer payments
- We often think remittances are north south payments, but there are interregional transfers going on
♣ A collective attempt to try to force transfer companies to try to reduce their transfer fees in the early 2000s late 90s which were over 25% and decliend to anaverage 10-15% in 2001-2007 in US Mexico
What are the positive impacts of remittances
- Evidence from household surveys shows that remittances reduce poverty
- Remittances also finance education and health expenditures, and ease credit constraints on small businesses
- Poverty alleviation, WB estiamtes in some countries like Uganda, the share of poor people in the population have reduced by 11% points as a result of remittance, 6% in Bangeledesh
- Remittances not only used for consumption but for the things listed above
What are the limitations and risks of remittances?
- Large remittance flows may lead to currency appreciation and adverse effects on exports
- Remittances may create dependency
- Remittance channels may be misused for money laundering and financing of terror
- Too few remittances are used for ‘investment’ purposes
How are remittances used in south?
- One of the early studies show that remittance used for immediate consumption
- Consumption not useful for domestic development unless its local products
- Productive investment were marginal in these studies
- Some countries have responded to this with the 3x1 program
What is the 3x1 mexican remittance program
- The Mexican 3x1 Program for Migrants is a matching fund scheme
- Program seeks to direct the money sent by hometown associations abroad (collective remittances) to productive uses
- The federal, state and municipal governments contribute to the program multiplying by three the contributions sent by migrants abroad.
- Question that still remains, is about additionality, to what extent is the mexican government able to use private resources that they would have been solely responsible for