Mighty Flashcards
2 scriptures for in old Testament for new covenant
Jeremiah 31:31
Isaiah 42:6
What type of tree was christ born under
Song of solomon 8:5
Christ has a camp
Joel 2:11
Put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all nations
Jeremiah 28:14
Yoke of bondage in old Testament
Numbers 19:2
Esaus descent
Genesis 36:9-10
Job 27:13-14
Would to god Bear with me a little in my folly in deed bear with me
2 Corinthians 11:1
For his letters (say they) are waighty and powerful,but his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible
2 Corinthians 10:10
Felix was the govenor during time of apostles
Acts 23:24
Cursed be he that doeth the work of the lord deceitfully
Jeremiah 48:10
Adam given commandments
2 esdras 3:5-7
Prosperity of the wicked
Psalms 73:3-6
God made not death neither have pleasure in destruction of the living
Wisdom of solomon 1:13
Study the whole bible
Matthew 4:4
2 Timothy 3:16
Matthew 13:54#
Romans 15:4
Blessed are ye men shall hate you,and when they shall separate you from there company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil,for the son of mans sake
Luke 6:22
And the jews marvelled,sayingHow knoweth this man letters haven’t never learned
John 7:15
Thus Ezekiel is unti you as a sign:according to all that he hath done,shall ye do
Ezekiel 24:24
Shew me the image of a voice
2 esdras 5:37
Be not curious how the ungodly shall be punished
2 esdras 9:13
Let not the sinner say he hath not sinned for god shall burn coals of fire upon his head
2 esdras 16:53
Christ chief corner stone
Ephesians 2:20
Isaiah 28:16
Psalms 118:22
Fear not that we are made poor,for thou has much wealth if thou fear god and depart from all sin
Tobit 4:21
And when achior had seen all that the god of Israel had done,he beleeved in god greatly,and circumcised the foreskin of his flesh,and was joyned unto the house of israel unto this day
Judeth 14:10
The precept for james 1:13 let no man say i am tempted of god
Sirach 15:11-12
Precept for 1 Corinthians 11:28-29 but let a man examine himself
Sirach 18:20
Can we get counsel from wordly people
Sirach 19:22
Tobit 4:18
A fool lifteth up his voice with laughter,but a wise man doeth scarcely smile a little
Sirach 21:20
I will yet pour out doctrine as phrohecie,and leave it to all ages forever
Sirach 24:33
How do you cleave unto the lord
Sirach 25:12 (faith is the beginning)
Touching righteousness which is the law,blamelesse
Philippians 3:6
In affliction sorrow remaineth and the life of the poor,is the curse of the heart_**
Sirach 38:19
For of a trueth against thy holy child Jesus,whom thou has anointed,both herod,and pontius Pilate,with the gentiles,and all the people of Israel were gathered together
Acts 4:27
GOd give you wisdone in your heart to judge his people in righteousness
Sirach 45:26
Souhern and northern kindom explanation scripture
Sirach 47:21
Believe precept in the new testament
Titus 3:8
Search the scriptures for in them ye have eternal life
John 5:39
Precepts for beast
2 maccabees 4:25 Ecclesiastes 3:18
1 Corinthians 15:32 2 esdras 8:29 job18:1
Titus 1:12 2 peter 2:10-12 psalms 73:22
Scriptures on love your enemies (Matthew 5:44)
Leviticus 19:18 1 Samuel 18:29
Romans 11:28 acts 7:60 (pray for them)
Micah 2:8
Shall be proclaimed upon the house tops
(Freedom of speech phrohecy) babylon
Luke 12:3
Matthew 10:27
Precept for romans 7:7(strength of sin is the law)
1 Corinthians 15:56
Why did the lord let joseph get sold into egypt
Genesis 45:5-7
Forefathers song hymes/songs
Matthew 26:28-30
Ephesians 5:19
Curses will be upon our enemies that persecuted us
Deuteronomy 30:7
Gospel of christ bringeth salvation
Romans 1:16 titus 2:11
And moses said unto the children of gad and Reuben shall your brethren go to warre and shall ye sit here
Numbers 32:6
Jerusalem will be capital of the earth
Jeremiah 3:17
Thought it not robbery to make himself equal with God
Philippians 2:6
Ye have not yet resisted unto blood ,striving against sinne
Hebrews 12:4
Dumb spirit
Mark 9:17
As many as were ordained to eternal life believed
Acts 14:48
Shewing publicly that Jesus was christ
Acts 18:28
When the son of man commeth shall he find faith on earth
Luke 18:7
Apostle of the gentiles
Romans 11:13
Even a child is known by his doings whether his work be pure or whether it be right
Proverb 20:11
Owe no man anything
Romans 13:8
Strive to preach the gospel,not where christ was named lest i should build on another mans foundation
Romans 15:20
We must all appear before the judgement seat of christ,that everyone msy receive the things done in his body,whether good or bad
2 Corinthians 5:10
And it came to pass the self same day that the lord did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies
Exodus 12:51
My covenant will i not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lipps
Psalms 89:34
Woman thou art loosed
Luke 13:12
Turn again captivity of zion we were like them. That dreamed (seem like a dream)
Psalms 126:1
Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom
Luke 12:32
Trusted in own beauty
Ezekiel 16:15
What does it mean when you erred ?
Numbers 15:22
Armed with bowes and could use both the right hand and the left in hurling stones
1 chronicles 12:2
Gad-faces of lions
1 chronicles 12:8
Hate the evil,and love the good and establish judgment
Amos 5:15
We them that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak
Romans 15:1
Add not more trouble to a heart that is vexed
Sirach 4:3
Keep commandments shall feel know evil thing
Ecclesiastes 8:5
Who so taketh pleasure in wickedness shall be condemned
Sirach 19:5
Before thou prayest prepare thyself and be not as one that tempteth the lord
Sirach 18:23
Dephs of satan
Revelation 2:24
The horns in daniel 7
Spain,france,britian,little horn/America
3 majoir heads/horns
Thou has taken the pledge from thy brother for nought and stripped him naked
Job 22:6
Christ kept the feast of tabernacle
John 7:1,8
Are high holy days outside of Leviticus 23 of god?
Mattthew 18:18
The lords hand is not shortened that it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear
Isaiah 59:1
Why forefathers married heathen sometimes
Judges 14:4 the lords will
And they sate down by rankes of hundreds,and by fifties
Mark 6:40 christ making order when we came together
Solomon made a navy of ships
1 kings 9:26
Yet the children of thy people say, the way of the lord is not equal but as for them,their way is not equal
Ezekiel 33:17
Therefore i have smitten my hand. At dishonest gain (drug dealing today)
Ezekiel 22:13
Who was the king of the bottomless pit?
Wilhelm 2 last king of germany
Judgement to the gentiles
Isaiah 42:1
Peter was crucified on the cross
John 21:18
Why are publicanes and sinners always mentioned together
Luke 3:12-13
Pray for peace of Jerusalem
Psalms 122:6
Ye shall have a song in the night when a holy solemnity is kept,and gladness of heart
Isaiah 30:29
Children of the captivity kept the Passover
Ezra 6:19
Who are the caldeans ?
Ezra 5:12 the Babylonians
Who were the Thessalonians ?
Acts 17:1 jews in thessalonica
What does it mean to be reprobate
Romans 1:28
Flee fornication Every sin a man doeth is without the body
1 corinthians 6:18
Why did paul say neither give heed to endless geneolgy
1 timothy 1:4
1 esdras 5:37
Nehemiah 7:64
Decieve themselves by their wicked deeds
2 esdras 7:23
James 1:22
The father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement unto the son
John 5:22
Should we feel sorry or pray fo other nations
2 Esdras 8:15-17
Prophecy of rome falling by septimius severus and rising again in 1453 Renaissance era 1453
Revelation 13:3
2 Esdras 12:18
Could not speak against rome prophecy
2 Esdras 11:6
What tribe was judeth from ?
Judah! judeth 14:7
True food is the word
Wisdom of Solomon 16:26
Christ changed the customes which moses delivered
Acts 6:14
Servants of god in the new testament
Luke 1:54
Uncorrupt light of the law was to be given unto the world
Wisdom of Solomon 18:4
What does a scepter represent
Wisdom of Solomon 10:14
Perfect law in new testament
James 1:25
Horn represent leader
Daniel 8:21
Lamentations 2:17
For wisdom is according to her name and she is manifest unto many
Sirach 6:22
Open not thine heart to Everyman lest he requite thee with a shrewd turn
Sirach 8:19
Come,you children listen to me I will teach you the fear of the lord
Psalms 34:11
The fear of the lord is to hate evil,pride and arrogancy and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate
Proverbs 8:13
For he hath not taken away his mercy from the house of israel but hath destroyed our enemies by mine hands this night
Judith 13:14
The way of kings of the east migh be prepared (Brekdown)
Revelation 16:12
2 Esdras 15:20
Joel 2:20
Levitcus 5:1 under christ comes with mercy and faith
Matthew 23:23
James 2:13
Precepts for us being in the wilderness being taught again
Exekiel 20:35-
Hosea 2:14-20
Law on neglecting widows and fatherless
Exodus 22:22-24
They that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them
Proverbs 28:4
Favour is decietful,and beauty is vaine but a woman that fearth the lord,she shalbe praised
Proverbs 31:30
Also the soul that be without knowledge,it is not good
Proverbs 19:2
Death and life are in the power of the tongue:and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof
Proverbs 18:21
To be ruler over the people of the lord over israel
2 samuel 6:21 David speaking to michal