Cepts Flashcards
Swift to hear slow to speak
James 1:19
If an y lack wisdom ask gos
James 1:5
Let us hold fast our profession
Hebrew 4:14
In great house not only vessels of gold and of silver but also wood & earth
2 Timothy 2:20
Take him by force,make him king
John 6:15
Teaching things they ought not for filthy lucre
Kings of gentiles exercise lordship
Luke 22:25
Make friends of mammon
Luke 16:9
Presents and gifts blind eyes of wise
Sirach 20:29
Body is temple of holy ghost
1corinthians 6:19
River euphrates dried up
Revelation 16:12
Spirit of understanding cause to answer
Job 20:3
Live inthe spirit should walk in spirit
Galatians 5:25
Enemy made me to dwell in darkness
Psalms 143:3
Spirit and heart overwhelmed
Psalms 143:4
Whore is deep ditch,strange woman narrow pit
Proverb 23:27
Adversaries troden down sanctuary
Isaiah 63:18
Law is just
Tobit 14:9
Raised up his phrophets in babylon
Jeremiah 29:15
Steps of good man ordered by Lord
Psalms 37:23
Oppress a man and his house abd his heritage
Micah 2:2
Arise ye depart,this not your rest
Micah 2:10
Be in pain and labour
Micah 4:10
Associate yourselves
Isaiah 8:9
Raised up sons of zion against sons of Greece
Zechariah 9:13
Wisdom is gray hairs of men
Wos 4:8-9
Changing of kind
Wos 14:26
Spiritual fornication
Wos 14:12
Patient man will bear for a time
Sirach 1:23
Woman came beginning of sin
Sirach 25:24
Man mind is sometimes wont to tell him more then srven watchmen
Siach 37:14
Come not near maides bed
Sirach 41:22
Peculiar commandments
Wos 19:6
Sirach 40:12
All bribery and injustice shall be blotted out
Silent and loving woman gift of lord
Sirach 36:14
Revelation 16:16
Be not slow to visit sick that shall make thee beloved
Sirach 7:35
Mercie is seasonable in time of affliction
Sirach 35:20
Heap to themselves teachers Having itching ears
2 Timothy 4:3
The master
Matthew 23:10
Eight head goeth into perdition
Revelation 17:11
Oh that my words were now written,oh that they were printed in a book
Job 19:23
Chinese jews=sinim
Isaiah 49:12
Read Scriptures on holy days
Baruch 1:14
Decieved and deciever are his
Job 12:16
Wise daughter bring and inheritance to her husband
Sirach 22:4
Father of spirits
Hebrew 12:9
Shameless daughter Open her quiver against every arrow
Sirach 26:12
Shameless woman counted as dog
Sirach 26:25
Wet from showers of moutains(wetback)
Job 20:7-8
Draw neere unto me you unlearned and dwell in the house of learning.!
Sirach 51:23
Saw the boldness of peter and John,and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men
Acts 4:13
We are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to doe
Luke 17:10
Remember lots wife
Luke 17:32
Nevertheless through envie of the devil came death into the world
Wos 2:24
All that believed were together and had all things in common
Acts 2:44
Jeremiah the only phrophet forbidden by god to marry
Jeremiah 16:2
Every friend sayeth i am his friend also,but there is a friend which is only a friend in name
Sirach 37:1
Be not insatiable in any dainty thing:nor too greedy upon meets
Sirach 37:29
Use lamentation as he is worthy
Sirach 38:17
How are we gone be gathered together(zeph2:1)
Baruch 4:37 by the word of the holy one
How are we gone be gathered together(zeph2:1)
Baruch 4:37 by the word of the holy one
If they call the master of the house beelzebub how much more shall they call them of the household?
Matthew 10:25
Nay,much much more those members of the body,which seem to be more feeble,are necessary
1 Corinthians 12:22
Woe unto them that are wise in there own eyes and prudent in their own sight
Isaiah 5:21
Turn captivity of zion we were like them that dream(captivity will be like dream)
Psalms 126:1
What profit is unto us if there be promised unto us an immortal time wheras we hath done the works that bring death
2 eddrsa 7:49
Righteous have prayed for the ungodly
2 esdras 7:36,41
Lot was righteous
2 peter 2:7
There is a shame that bringeth sin
Sirach 4:21
He that obeyeth me shall never be confounded and they that work by me shall not do amisse
Sirach 24:22
Many seek the rulers favour but every mans judgment commeth from the lord
Proverbs 29:26
Neither is there any man known to have returned from the grave
Wos 2:1
What does it mean were the temple of gof
1 peter 2:5 ye are a spiritual house
Make the gentiles obediant,by word and deed
Romans 15:18
My son according to thy ability do good to thyself
Sirach 14:11
Precept for mali 3:16 in new testament
Hebrews 3:13
Women weeping for tamuz
Ezekiel 8:14
Who are the caldeans ?
Ezra 5:12 the Babylonians
Law like unto fire
2 Esdras 13:38
Before Ordeined to walk in good works
Ephesians 2:10
If ye were Abrahams children ye would do the works of Abraham
John 8:39 precept for Matthew 3:9
Gad dwell as a lion ?
Cover large area Deuteronomy 33:20
Her prophets are light and treasurous persons her priests have polluted the sanctuary,they have done violence to the law
Zephaniah 3:4
For all the unfaithful shall die in their unfaithfulness
2 Esdras 15:4
What tribe was judeth from ?
Simeon! Judeth 14:7
Joshua 19:1 simeons inheritance. inside judah
Submit yourselves unto god,resist the devil and he shall flee
James 4:7
A man indeed killeth through malice
Wos 16:14
True food is the word
Matthew 4:4
Deuteronomy 8:1-3
Job 23:12
Wisdom of Solomon 16:26
For it is not a light thing to do wickedly against the laws of god
2 maccabees 4:17
Fear not the sentence of death
Sirach 41:3
A nigga in harlem is the comforter ?
Acts 4:12
Peter healed with his shadow
Acts 5:15
Three that bear witness in earth,the spirit,and the water,and the blood,and these three agree in one
1 john 5:8 precept acts 4:32
Christ change the customes which moses delivered
Acts 6:14 elders and scribes getting on Stephan
Who were the corinthians ?
Acts 18:1-4 synagogue in Corinth
How long was paul in Corinth ?
Acts 18:10-11 year and half
Apostles set up and taught in schools
Acts 19:9
How do we know christ is real ?
Revelation 19:10 through prophecy
Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdome
Psalms 90:12 timing and planning
Servants of god in the new testament
Luke 1:54
King ahaz made judah naked
2 chronicles 28:19
What is a trespass offering ?
Leviticus 6:1-5
What is a burnt offering
Leviticus 6:9
We kept Egyptian laws while there in captivity
Leviticus 18:1-3
Wisdom of Solomon 19:16
Perfect law in new testament
James 1:25
Perfect law of liberty
James 1:25
Who is gods heritage ?
Joel 3:2
Exodus 6:8
The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.
Proverbs 11:5
For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.
Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
Romans 14:18-