Midyear Review Flashcards
Amorous (adj.)
Showing or expressing love
Acerbic (adj.)
Harsh or severe, as of temper or expression
Avaricious (adj.)
Characterized by greedy
Convivial (adj.)
Friendly; agreeable
Credulous (adj.)
Willing to believe or trust too readily
Foibles (n.)
Slight flaw or defect
Pernicious (adj.)
Causing insidious harm
Superfluous (adj.)
Being more than is sufficient or required; excessive
Degrade (v.)
To reduce (someone) to a lower rank
Destitution (n.)
Utter poverty
Elude (v.)
To avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery
Interminable (adj.)
Incapable of being terminated; unending
Itinerancy (n.)
The act of traveling from place to place
Lethargic (adj.)
Drowsy; sluggish
Officious (adj.)
Objectionably aggressive in offering one’s unrequested services, or help
Panacea (n.)
A remedy for all disease or ills; cure-all
Sanctimonious (adj.)
Making a hypocritical show of religious devotion
Sagacious (adj.)
Having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense
Sardonic (adj.)
Mocking; cynical; sneering
Synesthesia (n.)
Descriptions of one kind of sensation in terms of another; color attributed to sounds, bright sounds, sounds to odors
Ex: bright sounds, sweet music
Vilify (v.)
To speak ill of; defame; slander