MidtMidterm 1 Flashcards
Distinguish the main characteristics of different types of research designs: quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed.
- Quantitative: this research provides numerical data that can be evaluated
- example: determine the link between caloric intake and weight gain
- Qualitative: this reserach provides words or concepts like a narritiave and subjective data that is assesed by interviews, discussions, and observations
- Mixed : combo of both research designs
Define the subject / research problem.
what is the subject about, what is the problem, who are studying how are they studying them and what are the main concepts
how do you formulate a research question, using PICO
PICO; is to be used only when there is an intervention, as it stands for POPULATION(or patient), INTERVENTION, COMPARRISON (or control), OUTCOME (what is changed or measured
how do you formulate a research question using PEO
PEO: stands for POPULATION (or patient), EXPOSURE (or observation), OUTCOME (what is measured or changed
what are important notes to remember when using ovid
- slash=subject heading
- “” for exact word
- same subject combine with or (like organic food or organic produce)
- different subject headings combine with and like (organic food and cardiovascular disease)
- when putting words that are part of the same subject do this→(obesity or “body mass index” or overweight).ti,ab,kf.
- ti=title
- kf=keywrods
- ab=abstract
What are the steps when searching in ovid
- subject heading
- other words for subject heading
- combine 1 and 2 with or
- second subject heading
- other words for second subject heading
- combin 4 and 5 with or
- combine steps 3 and 6 with and
- add limits (age group, within ten years, language etc.)
what makes something a credible source
Reliable and Credible sources will have references perferabbly with reliable sources cited, the authors who wrote it have expetise (researchers, professionals, crcedible goverment). Relibaible sources will not being trying to sell anything nor be biased. When looking at websites they will have the gov, edu, org as the end vs .com
Differentiate between types of publications :including primary and secondary studies, grey literature (e.g., studies and review of studies).
Primary: the orginal research actricles so studieds actually carried out by researchers
Secondary: an artical summarizing studies in systematic scopping, narrative reviews or meta-anyalases form
Grey literature: theses, dissertations, textbooks, reports from governent or reliable organizations.
- give examples of studies that are primary sources
- experimantal studies
- quasi experimental
- prospective/retrospective/case-control
- cross sectional
describe what a systematic vs scoppping vs narrative vs meta anyalyses review is?
- systematic: uses rigourous and systematic method to identif, select, evaluate and summarize the results of articles based on the same topic. will often include tables, critera for exlusion defined etc.
- scoping: summary of atircles on a normally broad topic,defines gaps that are found in the existing studyies
- narritive: synthesis and evaluation of exisiting research on a specific topic but not like systematic in where it says why it included certain ones and no tables or mapping of results
- meta-anyalsysi: a systemic review that has statistical anylysis which lets results from several studies be combined.
what information will be in the title, abstract, introduction and methods?
- the title will have information about the concept and populations involved, it will also include the authors credentials
- in the abstract there will be background info given, the problem, the aim, methods, results and conclusion its like a cliff notes on the article.
- the introduction gives the reserach problem and has a literature review on relevant studies, research problems, goals, objectives and hypothesis if applicable
- the methos will include the samples, the method used, the research design used, the way data was collected and anylazed and the ethical principles
what information is in results
the results can be either quantative in which they will be expressed as, tables, graphs, figures etc. or qualatiative which they will be text, themes, subthemes, models, theories and quotes
what does the p value being below 0.05 mean
: if the p value which represents probability is less than 0.05 than it is considered statstically sigfnicatn meaning there is an association between variables
what information is in the discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments and references
- the discussion includes a summary of results and links them to the goal/hypothesis as well it explains what happened, compares to other studuies, gives strengths and weakness and taljs about what could be suggested for future studies
- acknoldgments is where shouting out of the authors are, funding sources are said and if there is any conflict of interest
- references will include publication date. the studies discussed, good sources
What are the type of studies in observational
descriptive: qualtitative or quantative to explore, describe or compare groups in a ppultation without making assocations between variables
2. correlational: explore assocaitions between variables with one or more groups of people
what type of studies are in intervention
- experimental: intervation will the goal of modifying something to predict cause and effect with a control group and randomization
- intervantion with the goal of changing something to predict cause and effect with no randomization or control group