Midterms Quiz 2 (Psychotheraphy) Flashcards
Steps in Remotivation Theraphy
1.Climate Acceptance
2.Bridge to Reality
3. Sharing the world we live in
4. Appreciation of Works of the world
5.Climate of Appreciation
After experiencing a psychologically traumatic event, outside the range of usual experience, the individual reexperiences the event via recurrent and intrusive dreams or flashbacks
post-traumatic stress disorder
Example of Stressors (NCRA,CV,SPE,F)
- A natural disaster
- Combat experiences
- Victim of rape
- Accidents
- Victim of crime or violence
- Victim of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse
- Reexperiencing the event as flashbacks
- Emotional numbness
- Detachment
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Sleep disturbances and nightmares
- Hypervigilance
- Guilt about surviving the event
- Poor concentration and avoidance of activities that trigger the memory of the event
- Desensitization through gradual exposure to the event or situations similar to the event
- Instruct the client in relaxation techniques
- Provide individual therapy that addresses loss-of- control issues or anger
- Use of support groups
- Use of hypnotherapy
It is aimed at modifying a patient’s patterns of behavior which is viewed as a group of symptoms, rather than one specific symptom.
Attitude Therapy
It is the prescribed ways on how to handle mental ill patients according to the behavior symptoms the manifest
Attitude Therapy
Evaluate statements or judgements concerning objects,people or events
The opinion or belief segment of an attitude
Cognitive Component
The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude
Affective Component
An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something
Behavioral Component
These patients are treated with TLC (tender loving care). Their personal needs are attended to, like bathing, combing hair, cutting fingernails, feeding etc
Active Friendliness
Indicated to withdrawn patients
Active Friendliness
Indicated to paranoid patients.
Passive Friendliness
Nurse must maintain distance, however make the patient feel that you are just around and willing to help anytime he needs you
Passive Friendliness
Indicated to depressed patients with suicidal tendencies
Kind Firmness
With inner hostilities
Kind Firmness
With destructive tendencies (to self and others
Kind Firmness
Provide monotonous, repetitive activities
Kind Firmness
The muscle action will focus on expressing the miseries and outrage.
Kind Firmness
Indicated to manipulative and demanding patients
Matter of Fact Attitude
No concept of boundaries
Matter of Fact Attitude
They have no regard on who gets hurt along the way
Matter of Fact Attitude
Relentless on their pursuit of what they want
Matter of Fact Attitude
Usually alcohol and drug dependents
Matter of Fact Attitude
They need to learn that manipulation is unrewarding. • We teach them to grow up and meet their responsibilities. • Rules and regulations are strictly imposed.
Matter of Fact Attitude
Indicated to assaultive/combative patients.
Likely to cause immediate physical harm
No Demand Attitude
Never approach the patient alone or he might perceive the you are challenging him into a fight.
No Demand Attitude
Ask the help of the members of the heath team so that his hostilities will not be focused to the object of his anger.
No Demand Attitude
A large group will help diffuse his hostilities.
Tell the patient that the group is there to help him.
No Demand Attitude
5 Approach
1.Active Friendliness
2.Passive Friendliness
3. Kind Firmness
4.Matter of Fact Attitude
5. No Demand Attitude
Common Psychotherapeutic Interventions (Management Therapy)
- Remotivation Therapy
- Music and Art Therapy
- Play/Recreational Therapy: Dancing/Singing/Games
- Bibliotherapy: Storytelling, fables, newspaper, reading, riddles, proverbs
- Health Education/Teaching
- Occupational Therapy: cooking (Sandwich making etc.)
- Calisthenics/exercise
- Socialization
- Attitude Therapy
is an expensive therapy that uses an individual’s relationship to the content of books and poetry and other written words as therapy.
is often combined with writing therapy. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of depression. These results have been shown to be long-lasting.
This type of therapy will aim to catch their attention, capture their imagination and exercise their critical thinking. A film will be shown to be clients and questions about the films will be asked: to gear towards increasing the critical thinking of the patients participating.
Short stories
Salawikain/ Proverbs/By words/Kawikaan
Short Films
Is a health profession whose goal is to help people achieve independence, meaning and satisfaction in all aspects of their lives
Treatment focuses on helping people achieve independence in all areas of their lives. OT can help kids with various needs improve their cognitive, physical and motor skills and enhance their self-steam and sense of accomplishment
• To help people increase their functional independence in daily life while preventing or minimizing disability. Often OT is combined with other treatments including Physical Therapy
the abilities of the client are assessed in the context of their work, school, home leisure, general lifestyle and family situation.
having made an assessment, the occupational therapist then CONSULTS with the client, other professionals and family members who may be closely involved in developing a treatment program.
is used to help patients with mental illness by providing them the tools needed to live as independently as possible.
Occupational therapy
for mental health focuses on issues such as employment, community involvement, managing medications, managing money, and more.
Occupational therapy
can also help patients control their feelings and thoughts.
Occupational therapy
Mental Illness that can helped through occupational therapy include …(4disease)
schizophrenia, dementia, addiction, and anxiety disorders, and other
can also offer guidance to
friends and family of the patient
Occupational therapy
______ administer assessments of the
patient throughout the treatment process
Occupational therapists
To help patient interact with other patient in a slightly competitive out thoroughly enjoyable level/ manner.
The patients will be able to express themselves through acceptance and enjoyable means.
- To promote diversion from usual routinely activities experienced by the patient in favor of a more
- To promote cooperation and sportsmanship.
- Allow free expression of feelings and thoughts.
A technique that makes it possible for a patient to
express himself freely.
Enables the individual a opportunity to discharge
strong emotions in a secure atmosphere.
It is also a form of psychotherapy for regressed patient who cannot express themselves verbally.
A form of therapy that brings fun and a form of exercise, socialization with others, cooperation, diverting patients attention, promote sportsmanship and express feelings and thoughts.