midterms again except this time cymbalta is kicking my ass even more Flashcards
Where is GnRH made
What does LH do where is it made
anterior pituitary, it acts on endocrine cells to make steroid and peptide hormones. ONLY IN FEMALE it contributes to gamete production
What does FSH do where is it made
Gamete production made in anterior pituitary
What does high GnRH pulses do, opposite?
LH secretion for high. FSH for low. pulses needed for reproductive function.
Sertoli cells
gie sperm nutrients and remove waste. are packed close to the spermatids and shit
leydig cells
make t
spermatogonia form during fetal development. 2n spermatogonia split to make primary spermatocytes which are also 2n. secondary spermatocytes also 2n. Spermatids are n and so are spermatozoa (they are the mfs with the tails)
blood testis barrier
weird shit on sperm surface makes it look wonky so you need a barrier by tight junctions so its not attacked
comes from golgi, has hyalyronsidase and acrosin which breaks down the zona pellucida (glycoprotein that covers oocyte)
semen composition
water, lubricant (mucus), buffers to neutralize acid, nutrients, enzymes, zinc, prostaglandins
FSH regulation
makes inhibin that make cell products which makes inhibin that negatively regulates FSH.
LH regulation
LH acts on leydig cells which make T, which negatively regulates GnRH
FSH purposes for XY
sperm deveopment, secrete androgen binding protein to bring more androgens to testis
LH purposes for XY
stimulates leydig cells which make T
LH and FSH cycle throughout XY life
go up and down prenatally, low during childhood, increases in puberty (basically like T)
AMH (anti mullerian not malarian!) cycle throughout XY life
high to low from childhood to puberty
XY hypogonadism symptoms (for both types)
decreased activity of testes, low androgens inhibin B, low AMH, low sperm production
primary hypogonadism
high GnRH, LH, FSH, low T due to genetics injury, inflammation in testes. Solution exogenous testosterone (not me pretending to have this to get my fucking T)
secondary hypogonadism
hypothalamus/anterior pituitary gland damaged. LOW EVERYTHING BITCH. treatment include gonadotropin therapy
DHT (di hydro T)
male pattern balding and prostate growth 5- a reductase inhibitors can treat prostate enlargement and baldness
testosterone effects
more sperm. prostate and seminal vesicle secretion. maintains reproductive tract, increases sex drive, negative feedback on GnRH, LH, FSH, male pattern hair growth, muscle, sebaceous gland secretion, protein making, aggression, more blood
oogonium go through mitosis to make diploid oogonia. before birth, oogonia enter meiosis I. you are born with primary oocyte and stuck with it until you get ur period.
release primary oocyte from meiosis 1 and put it into meiosis II. now secondary oocyte. THIS IS THE FIRST INSTANCE OF HAPLOIDY. increase LH. increase progesterone (smooth muscle contraction). increase collagenase (to dissolve connective tissue). oocyte and cumulus cells yeeted into gap, picked up by fimbria.
Thecal cells
make steroid hormone precursors (i.e. androgens)
ovarian cycle: follicular phase
days 1-14. one dominant follical matures. antrums form in secondary. antral fluids have estrogen and enzymes
ovarian cycle: luteal phase
left behind follicular cells from follicular phase become corpus luteum. releases progesterone and estrogen. when no fertilization, corpus luteum degenerates to form corpus albicans.
corpus luteum when fertilization does what
makes progesterone + estrogen until end of first trimester.
uterine cycle: menses
menses (days 1-5) decreases progesterone, estrogen. causes endometrium blood vessel constriction, shedding of endometrium lining.
uterine cycle: proliferative
5-14 tissue of endometrium grow, high estrogen
uterine cycle: secretory phase
14-28 glands in endometrium makes more viscous fluid endometrial cells deposit lipid and glycogen in cytoplasm due to progesterone and estrogen
LH ovarian cycle effects early follicular
LH make theca cells release androgens.
FSH ovarian cycle effects early follicular
FSH makes granulosa cells convert androgens into estrogens
AMH ovarian cycle effects early follicular
granulosa cells secrete AMH so you don’t recruit more follicles
early follicular phase estrogen
positive loop around granulosa cells, makes more and more E. shuts doen FSH LH GnRH
late follicular phase and ovulation follicles
you now have a tertiary follicle
late follicular and ovulation hormones secreted
inhibin (inhibits FSH), progesterone (increases sensitivity to GnRH) and estrogen
high estrogen effect on GnRH
pulses every 65 min (positive feedback), causing LH surge to trigger ovulation
corpus luteum when LH and FSH
progesterone, inhibin, estrogen (negative on hypothalamus, pituitary)
progesterone and estrogen on GnRH pulses
now one every 3-4 hr
corpus luteum late luteal phase
gets fertilized or dies (12 days lifespan). if dies, progesterone and estrogen levels fall, so GnRH returns to one every 1.5 hr (LH and FSH release)
what do pregnancy tests detect
Estrogen effects
follicular development, ovulation, growth of endometrium, reproductive tract. negative on the H gang. boobs, ass thighsa
androgens on adult female
hairy n horny???
menopause hormone
low estradiol and progestrone. high FSH, LH, but ovaries cannot respond to it
sperm becomes hyperactive, albumin, enzymes, lipoproteins bind to sperm remove glycoprotein coat, cuase intracellular changes to get the jizz through muc lmfao
what helps jizz gets where it needs to go
uterine and oviduct contractions, estrogens and prostaglandins in semen.
oocyte viability
1 day
spermatozoa viability
4-6 days
about 100 sperm get there, guided by chemotaxis (progesterone from cumulus cells). sperm tunnel through barriers w/ acrosomal enzymes, dock w/ sperm binding proteins. oocyte depolarizes, oocyte then blocks other sperm
why is joker x batman good
because evil green man. insanity, murder, blood everywhere yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
after fertilization timeline
day 1: fertilization
2-4: cell division
4-5: blastocyst reaches uterus
5-9: blastocyst implants (blastocyst eventually becomes embryo)
takes from pituitary to maintain corpus luteum, prevent menstruation. similar to LH. muy importante!!!!!!! stimulates fetal testis (helps it get a pp)
digestive, respiratory, renal systems for fetus. waste, nutrients, O2, CO2, proteins/chemicals
placenta circulation
mother’s blood not directly connected to fetus, mother’s blood forms a lake. fetal chorionic villi transfer gases and solutes between mother and fetus
progesterone for placental hormone
supresses cervical contractions, cervical plug, mammary gland development. first 2 so you don’t squish the baby lmfaooooooo
estrogen for placental hormone
uterine development (growth of placenta, blood supply, oxytocin receptor), breast duct development
human placental lactogen
high in mother, lower in fetus. similar to growth hormone and prolactin. lowers maternal cellular uptake of glucose and maternal lipolysis to give baby energy from mother’s reserve
terms of pregnancy
first trimester: first week after last period. preterm: born >28 weeks, usually don’t need invervention, early need ICU because lungs not developed
maternal adaptations for pregnancy
increased vasopressin levels increase blood volume, increase fluid retention for more blood. boost cardiovascular system, lower immune system (something new, don’t want it to be attacked). increase PTH to move calcium to fetus. calcitonin to prevent too much bone loss.
triggering labor
relaxin released from ovary. placenta loosens ligaments in pelvic bone, softens cervix. cervical stretch has positive feedback
before parturition
estrogens and progesterone needed for mammary glands but inhibit milk production just yet
after parturition
oxytocin goes to myoepithelial cells, squeezes the epithelial milk making cells which are activated by prolactin.