finals except life is meaningless and i hallucinated a baby in the grocery store Flashcards
what wavelengths can we see, why
400-700. because earth’s atmosphere is most transparent to these wavelengths
what are extraspectral colors
purple and white. mix of wavelengths (e.g. purple is when 2 or more wavelengths affect red and blue cones more than green cones
what are the percentages of cone
63% red, 31% green, 6% blue
what colors do rodes (rhodopsin) prefer to see
what is a r+g ganglion cell
excited by red light and by green light, aka yellow channel
r-g, g-r ganglion cell
activated by red light, inhibited by green., and vice versa. red-green opponent channel
b-(r+g) ganglion cell
blue-yellow opponent channel
explanation for afterimages
opponent channels. if you stare at something, your cells (e.g. g-r) gradually fatigue. when you look away, only the less fatigued ones are visible (e.g. r-g)
red-green colorblindness. red and green cone visual pigments lie on x-chromosomes. 95% of all variations in color vision.
why are women rarely color blind
women are rarely color blind because if one x-chromosome codes a faulty pigment then the other x-chromosome compensates.
how could a woman become a tetrachromat
if 2 x-chromosomes code for 2 different functional red cone pigments
intrinsic color of a surface, the tendency to reflect certain wavelengths and absorb others
color constancy
ability to infer reflectance in different light
chevreul illusions for color and brightness
different hues and different saturations -> look redder when close to low saturation and different hues
external ear
pinna, ear canal, sealed at the end by tympanic membrane aka eardrum
middle ear
air filled space behind eardrum connected to pharynx by eustachian tube
inner ear
cochlea for hearing, vestibular apparatus for equilibrium
sound waves and molecule density
at the peak of the waves the molecules are crowded together and pressure is high. vice versa
Frequency is percieved as
pitch. low freq-> low pitch
Unit of frequency
waves/sec (hz)
human hearing range, best acurity
16-20,000hz. around 10 octaves. best hearing around 1000-3000 hz
what does loudness depend on
frequency (needs to be within hearing range) and amplitude
middle ear small bones (ossicles)
eardrum hits the malleus, moving the incus, and then the stapes, pushing the oval window. act as a lever system, these 3 bones are the smallest in the body
where does the oval window lead
vestibular duct and tympanic duct anatomy
aka scala vestibuli, scala tympani. oval window connects with vestibular duct which communicates with tympanic duct at helicotrema, tympanic duct connects to round window. filled with perilymph (fluid similar to plasma)
cochlear duct
aka scala media, contains endolymph (similar to intracellular fluid). waves shake cochlear duct as it has auditory receptor hair cells.
organ of corti
in the cochlear duct, sits on the basilar membrane under tectorial membrane. hair cells have their little hairs against the tectorial membrane.
hair cells (number, type of cell, how they work
20,000 per cochlea (40,000 total). EPITHELIAL CELLS, NOT NEURONS. 50-100 stiff hairs called stereocilia. bend when waves in the perilymph (liquid in vestibular and tympanic duct) deforms basilar and tectorial membranes
how does a hair cell send a signal
cilia bend towards longest cilium to depolarize and release transmitter and activate a primary sensory neuron. this neuron form auditory nerve
auditory nerve
cochlear nerve, a branch of cranial nerve 8.
cilia bending away from the longest cilium causes
hyperpolarization, releasing less transmitter, doesn’t excite neuron as much
basilar membrane responding to different frequency
near oval window: stiff and thicc basilar membrane. picks up high frequency signals. near helicotrema: wibbly and thinn basilar membrane. picks up low frequency signals. brain deduces which hair cells are most active
auditory signals localization in the brain
pass through each ear to both sides of the brain (so right and left ear signals will be everywhere in the brain)
primary auditory cortex
in temporal lobe
how does brain know where the sound comes from
loudness and timing. if sound is louder in right ear? from right side. loud sounds make auditory neurons fire faster. or, if sound reaches the right side before the left.
conductive hearing loss
sound cannot be transmitted through external or middle ear. weber test (tuning fork in the middle of the head, which is louder), it is louder in the bad ear because it doesn’t have to compete with sounds through ear canal. rinne test (骨传导), tuning fork will be louder transmitted through bone
sensorineural hearing loss
damage to haircells/inner ear. mammals cannot replace. 90% of elderly hearing loss (presbycusis) is sensoineural. unaffected by rinne test. weber test is louder in good ear because 骨传导 doesn’t help
how does the vestibular apparatus sense head relative to gravity
utricle and saccule have hair cells that are activated when the head tilts relative to gravity
how does the vestbular apparatus sense head rotation
semi-circular canals are fluid filled hoops, fluid sloshes left if you turn ur head right, activating hair cells
vestibular hair cells signalling
activate primary sensory neurons of vestibular nerve, a branch of cranial nerve 8
where do cranial nerve 8 go
pass through cerebellum. or synapse in medulla, then go to cerebellum OR up through thalamus to cortex.
awareness of the position of body parts relative to each other. e.g. you can sense how much your elbow is flexed with eyes closed.
tissue damage or the threat of it. percieved as pain or itch
4 somatic senses
touch, temperature, proprioception, nociception
somatosensory receptor cells are all
cell bodies for somatic sensation below the chin are in…
cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia
receptors for the head have cell bodies…
in the brain
where to neurons transduce touch/pressure into electrical signals
at nerve endings (tips of fibers in skin and viscera)
types of receptors in skin
free nerve endings, merkel receptors (or disks), encapsulated receptors (meissner or pacinian corpuscles).
free nerve endings
detect mechanical stimuli, temperature, chemicals
merkel recpetors
mechanoreceptor nerve endings in contact with specialized epithelial cells called merkel cells. signal contact, very sensitive to deformation of skin. more tonic than phasic (sustained signal)
encapsulated receptors
meissner and pacinian corpuscles, mechanoreceptors in connective tissue.
most receptors are phasic/tonic?
phasic. nerve ending depolarizes but returns to baseline in 3ms.
meissner corpuscles
mainly in tongue and hairless skin, erogenous zones, palms, fingertips. shaped like an egg, inside has many looping endings,l ike spring mattress. detect sideways shearing (like petting blahaj). phasic
pacinian corpuscles
nerve endings sheathed in many layers. sense tiny displacements if motion is quick. phasic, respond strongly to vibration and other quick stimuli
2 point discrimination on lips and fingertips, on calves
2-4mm on lips and fingertips, on calves 40mm
cold receptors respond max at 30 degrees, warm receptors at 45. both phasic tonic. more cold than warm receptors, few thermoreceptors in total (only 1000 beccause don’t need localization)
above 45 degrees, what happens to receptors
pain receptors activated, cold fibers briefly respond creating paradoxical cold
nociceptors respond to
mechanical, heat, chemicals. chemicals from damaged cells (K+, histamine, prostaglandins), serotonin released by platelets from injury
somatosensory afferents have 2 groups
small, large
small fiber types
c and a delta. free nerve endings, mostly. c fibers are unmyelinated, 2m/s max speed. a delta are thicker, myelinated, 30m/s max speed.
adequate stimuli for small fibers
different adequate stimuli, such as mechanical stimuli, chemicals, temperature.
large fibers
a-beta. come from merkel disks or encapsulated mechanoreceptors. myelinated, conduct at 70 m/s
large fiber projection into brain
go up spinal cord in dorsal columns, then in the medulla synapse on neurons which go to other side (ipsilateral)
small fiber projection into brain
synapse directly or via interneurons and motoneurons for reflex responses. or on dorsal horn neurons that cross the midline and run in spino thalamic tracts in the lateral part of the cord between dorsal and ventral horns
reason for large fiber’s projection into brain
feedback, especially for motor cortex as it manipulates objects. needs to travel a long way to the brain quickly.
reason for small fiber’s projection into brain
evoke simple responses to specific stimuli (withdrawing from pain, brushing away a bug, thermoregulatory and sexual responses). can be handled in spinal cord without brain input.
how somatosensory info goes from spinal cord to thalamus, cortex
signals from spinal cord go to ventroposterolateral (VPL) nucleus of thalamus. signals from head (not shown) go to the ventroposteromedial (VPM) nucleus. both go to primary somatosensory cortex
means neighboring places correspond to neighboring brain places.
primary somatosensory cortex (s1) is in what lobe
lateral inhibition among somatosensory fibers
lateral inhibition enhances spatial differences, you feel hot bath is most hot around the water surface. somatosensory version of chevreul illusion
TRP ION CHANNELS, types and where it is present
most nociceptors and thermoreceptors have this. trpv1 are called vanilloid receptors, respond to damaging heat, chemicals (including capsaicin). trpm8 react to cold and menthol. ALSO IN WALLS OF MOUTH
congential analgesia death expected age
20 due to injury and infection (cannot feel pain)
2 types of pain
fast and slow. respectively carried by a delta and c fibers (both small!).
nociceptive signals reaching the limbig system
emotional distress, nausea, vomiting, sweating
decending pathways blocking nociceptive cells
when ur at con and ur feet doesn’t hurt because of the adrenaline
referred pain
nociceptors from different places converge on a single ascending tract. tract send signal to brain, brain infers its from skin because internal organ dmg is rare
how do a beta gate control pain
c fibers contact secondary neurons in dorsal horn, secondaries inhibited by a beta fibers using interneurons. (e.g. rubbing sore feels better)
analgesic mechanisms
aspirin inhibits prostaglandins and inflammation, slowing transmission of pain
opioids decrease transmitter release from primary sensory neurons and postsynaptically inhibit secondary sensory neurons.
natural painkillers
endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins
liver and gallbladder pain
below boob to shoulder
colon, stomach, small intestine, appendix. which pain on top of what
stomach above small intestine above appendix above colon
smell and taste. evolutionarily old, bacteria and animals without brains (me) use it
olfactory epithelium
top of nasal cavity, covering 3cm with 5 million receptor cells each for each nostril.
pigmentation of epithelium
richness is related with olfactory sensitivity. people: pale yellow. cats: dark mustard brown.
receptor neurons in epithelium
a single dendrite that extends into olfactory epithelium. branches to form nonmotile cilia, increasing the surface area of the cell (for catching more odorants).
how many odorant receptor molecules per receptor? how many types of receptor cell?
only one type of receptor molecule but a lot of that one type. 400 kinds of receptor cell (400 primary odors)
g protein coupled receptor molecules for olfaction, how does this send an action potential
odorant binds receptor, activates g-olfactory, which increases cAMP concentration, cAMP-gated cation channels open, depolarizing receptor neuron, triggering action potential that goes to olfactory bulb
how many genes for g protein coupled recptor molecules
1000 genes, making the largest known gene family in vertebrates.
how much of the g protein coupled genome expressed in humans
3-5% of genome
sensitivity of olfactory receptors
can detect a single molecule of preferred chemical, but 40 cells must react before we experience it as smell
pinocytosis occurs in what sense’s cells
olfactory receptor cells. constantly sip fluid then send it along nerves into brain
lifespan of olfactory receptor cells
short lived, degenerate after a month or 2. unusual.
how do olfactory receptor cells send signal to olfactory bulb
tiny holes in cribiform “sievelike” plate at the bottom of the cranial cavity
olfactory bulb
extension of cerebrum, under the frontal lobes in the brain.
projection from receptors to bulb is called
olfactory nerve, or cranial nerve 1
olfactory convergence
rods converge on gaglion cells, enhances sensitivity but discards spatial information
head damage can damage what sense
can damage olfaction, primary sensory neurons
olfactory bulbs projects where
directly to olfactory cortex, by passing thalamus. also limbic system, linked to motivation and emotion, so odors can bring emotional memories
olfactory cortex is in where
frontal and temporal lobes
parts of limbic system
cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, amygdala
olfaction adaptation
primarily phasic, people get used to bad smells over time
pheromones O_o
chemicals released by an animal that affects physiology or behavior of its own species. in rodents, the vomeronasal organ (VNO) processes phermonone behavior
human pheromones OwO
VNO disappears you omegaverse authors fuck you. (we do respond to some chemical signals though)
tastebud number, location
people have 5000 mainly at the top of the gongue but also on soft palate, epiglottis, upper esophagus. babies have 10,000. we also have chemoreceptors in stomach and intestines. some resemble ones on tongue.
taste bud made up of?
100 receptor EPITHELIAL cells. NOT neurons. arranged like petals, open up with a small pore (taste pore)
typical taste bud has how many types of receptor cells, what do they detect
- sweet detects sugar. umami detects glutamate (protein). bitter detects poison. salty and sour detect Na+ and H+. tongue may have receptors for fatty acids
3 types of taste receptor cells
type 1: salt. type 2: sweet, bitter, umami. type 3: sour.