midterms Flashcards
Body image is both:
- internal - personal
- external - society
When it comes to our bodies, there are a number of
sources that affect us more than others:
Today’s embedded ideals
The media
Prejudice (especially on size)
________is an expressive and constitutive existential act (Kruger)
According to William James, __________ is primarily about our bodies, clothes, immediate family, and home; it is one of the components of the self, along with the social self, and spiritual self, and the pure ego.
Material self
innermost part of our material self
According to ________ in his Philosophy of
Dress, “any time we bring an object into the surface of our body, we invest that object into the consciousness of our
personal existence taking in its contours to be our own and making it part of our self.”
Herman Lotze
what our parents do or
become affect us
immediate family
the earliest nest of our selfhood
__________ gains higher value in our lifetime if we use material possessions to find happiness, associate these things with significant events, accomplishments, and
people in our lives.
Material possessions
What makes an ad effective or
Advertisement Analysis
Psychological professionals regard consumer culture as a form of __________.
refers to the belief and behavior related to
supernatural beings and powers
The choice of religious belief lies within the __________, although the choice maybe influenced by the society and its culture.
spiritual self
__________ is the belief that nature has soul.
_________ does not have
a personality it is an impersonal “it” rather than “he” or “she”
______ can have gender and/or personality
characteristics similar to people.
_________ are souls or spirits of dead relatives freed from their body at death who maintain an interest in living.
Ancestral spirits
_________ is an indigenous Filipino term which refers to soul or spirit - among ilonggos, this term refers to the spirit or soul when one is alive; if the person is dead it is instead called ________.
Dungan , kalag
Other terms used among different Filipino groups are
the following:
________ by the Tagalog
________ by the Bagobos
________ by the Bukidnons
________ by the Ilokanos - the term implies that it is inside the physical body
_______ is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere, along with ceremonial practices
_____ are illusions
_______ is an explanation of events based on the belief that certain individuals possess an innate psychic power capable of causing harm, including sickness and death.
In Miranda’s analysis (1987) of the word “Pananampalataya”
-“pananam” may refer to “_____” or
- “taya” refers to a type of game of chance (“______”) that
when affixed with “pala” means someone who is repeatedly engaged in it.
lasa, taste
According to Salazar (2016), the root word of “pananampalataya” is “sampalataya” with prefix “pan.”
“Sampalatava” comes from Sanskrit “sampratyaya” that
means “______,” “_________”, “_________, or ______ or _______.”
conviction, right concepcion, perfect trust or faith or belief
In Tagalog, “Pananampalataya” now means “____________;” “____________” and
“_________.” A definition that can already be found in Serrano Y Laktaw (1917).
faith or belief in someone, act
of worship in God, adoration
___________ proposes that “man’s primary motivational force is search for meaning*- Viktor E. Frankl
_________ uses the philosophy of optimism in the face of tragedy, where people are capable of “turning suffering into human achievement and accomplishment; deriving from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for the better, and deriving from
life’s transitoriness an incentive to take responsible action.”
Three ways in discovering meaning of life
- By doing a deed
- By experiencing a value
- By suffering
1. The human being is an entity consisting of ______, ______, and ______.
body, mind, and spirit
- Purposeful work
- Courage in the face of difficulty
- Love
- ordered, subjective realm of politics
- includes values, cognitions, perceptions, attitudes and behavioral dispositions
Political Self
In Developing a Filipino Identity, these factors include one’s attitudes and values.
Individual factors
There is the presence of dualism which highlights the contradiction between __________ and ______________.
self-interest and the good of the
In developing a filipino identity, these factors include school, family, media, church, government and non-government, and people’s organization
Institutional Factors
Three factors in developing a filipino identity
Individual Factors
Institutional Factors
Community Factors
__________ is about individual liberty as well as collective self-governance.
Democratic culture
__________________ gives us the right to vote, privileges to all we have worked for.
Economic rights and social responsibility
_____________ are recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors that are distressing or disabling and that involve inanimate objects, children or nonconsenting adults, or suffering or humiliation of the person or a partner, with the potential to cause harm.
Paraphilic disorders
uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire
in a man.
uncontrollable or excessive sexual
desire in a woman
recurrent and intense sexual arousal
involving corpses
The patient experiences recurrent and
intense sexual arousal (manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors) either from the use of nonliving objects or from
a highly specific focus on nongenital body parts
recurrent and intense sexual arousal
involving animals
The patient experiences recurrent and
intense sexual arousal (manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors) involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity
The patient experiences recurrent
and intense sexual arousal (manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors) related to exposing the genitals to a stranger
The patient reports recurrent and intense
sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally ≤13 years);
manifested by fantasies, urges, or
behaviors involving touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person
The patient experiences recurrent and intense sexual arousal (manifested by
fantasies, urges, or behaviors) involving the act (real, not simulated) of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise
made to suffer; symptoms must be present for at least 6 months
Sexual masochism disorder
The patient experiences recurrent and intense sexual arousal (manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors) from the psychological or physical suffering of another person
Sexual sadism disorder
these are areas of the human body which have high concentration of nerve endings, so they are particularly sensitive to touch, pressure, or vibration
Erogenous Zones
The entire ________ plays a significant role during sexual response
nervous system
The _________ is involved in controlling
the involuntary responses
autonomic nervous system
The_____________ are responsible
for regulating the sexual response
hypothalamus and the limbic system
The _______ regulates the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, which are believed to be the physiological origin of sexual desire
Three Stages of Love
Lust, Attraction, Love
This is the first stage of love and is driven by the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen - in both men and women.
This is the phase when a person actually starts to feel the love.
When a couple passes through the above two stages of love successfully, the time of bonding with each other becomes powerful.
___________ is a bond helping the couple to take their relationship to advanced levels. It instigates the feeling of bearing children and falling in love with them wholeheartedly.
Scientists think there might be two major hormones
involved in this feeling of attachment:
___________ and ____________.
oxytocin and vasopressin
powerful hormone released by men and women during orgasm. It also seems to help cement the strong bond between a mother and her baby and is released during childbirth. It is also responsible for a mother’s breast automatically releasing milk at the mere sight of her baby
another important hormone in the long-term commitment
stage and is released after sex. it is believed to be directly associated with increased
motivation to engage in sexual behavior
Phases of Sexual Response
Excitement Phase
Plateau Phase
Sexual Climax or Orgasm
Resolution Phase
Under the phases of sexual response, in this phase there is an increase in pulse and blood pressure
- a sudden rise in blood supply to the surface of the body
resulting in increased skin temperature
- flushing, and swelling of all distensible body parts
(particularly noticeable in the male reproductive structure
and female breasts)
- more rapid breathing, the secretion of genital fluids,
vaginal expansion, and a general increase in muscle tension
Excitement Phase
generally of brief duration; if stimulation is continued
Plateau Phase
marked by feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, a rapid increase in pulse rate and blood pressure, and spasms of the
pelvic muscles causing contractions of the female reproductive organ and ejaculation by the male
Sexual Climax or Orgasm
refers to the return to a normal or subnormal physiologic state
Resolution Phase
_______________ defined as any activity -
solitary, between two persons, or in a group - that induces sexual arousal
The Diversity of Sexual Behavior
Types of Sexual Behavior:
- Solitary Behavior
- Sociosexual Behavior
self-gratification or self-stimulation that leads to sexual
arousal and generally, sexual climax
Solitary Behavior
generally divided into heterosexual behavior (male with female) and homosexual behavior (male with male or female with female)
Sociosexual Behavior
refers to the objectively measurable
organs, hormones, and chromosomes
Biological Sex
the subjective result of the brain’s neurology
within the context of society’s culture
how a person, in his head, thinks about
Gender Identity
how a person demonstrates
his gender through the way he acts, dresses, behaves, and interacts
Gender Expression
refers to who a person is physically, spiritually, and emotionally attracted to
Sexual Orientation
- infections transmitted from an infected person to an
uninfected person through sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or
anal sex) - it can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
_____________________ is the virus that
causes AIDS.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
When a person becomes infected with HIV,
the virus attacks and weakens the immune system. As the immune system weakens, the person is at risk of getting life-threatening infections and cancers. When that happens, the illness is called ______________. Once a person has the virus, it stays inside the body for life.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
is a common sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. It can infect both men and women. Women can get this in the cervix, rectum, or throat. Men can get this in the urethra (inside the penis), rectum, or throat.
Often called “the clap,” this bacterial sexually transmitted infection exists in vaginal secretions and semen. Symptoms may include a yellowish or greenish vaginal discharge and a burning feeling when urinating.
This sexually transmitted infection is caused by a bacterium. The disease has several phases.
People with ___________ may have pain-free open sores,
called chancres, in the genital or anal area or around the mouth. The sores usually heal on their own in three to six weeks.
primary syphilis (early disease)
People with ______________ often have a rash and/or hair loss. If left untreated, syphilis can proceed to the latent stage during which it may have no visible symptoms but can cause damage to the heart,
brain, and other organs.
secondary syphilis (a later stage of the
Syphilis can be successfully treated
with __________. Without treatment, it can hurt your body’s organs, leading to severe illness and even death.
It’s the most common sexually transmitted infection. It is usually harmless and goes away by itself, but some types can lead to cancer or genital warts.
HPV (human papillomavirus)
_______ is a common virus that causes sores on your genitals and/or mouth. It can be annoying and painful, but it usually doesn’t lead to serious health problems.
the interpersonal level of self which differentiates the
individual as unique from others
Personal Identity
the level of self whereby the individual is identified by his or her group memberships
Social Identity
Using the internet. it is the sum of your characteristics and interactions represented.
Results from different interactions with each website visited, showing a different picture of who you are and what you do.
Online Identity
Any behaviour that is designed to convey an image about ourselves to other people. This explains why our behaviour can change if we notice we are being watched/observed.
is the process of creating a digital artefact which is a
carefully chosen representation or expression of one’s real world self. Usually it is synonymous with impression management, in which a person tries to influence the perception of their image to others.
Selective Self-Presentation
is a conscious or subconscious process in which people
attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a
person, object or event.
Impression Management
Impression management strategies include:
- Ingratiation
- Self-promotion
- Exemplification
- Intimidation
- Supplication
- Negative acknowledgment
behaving in ways to make oneself likable to others
accenting your strong points in order
to earn respect
demonstrating exemplary behaviour
in order to boost your integrity or character
using physical or emotional threats to get
what you want from others
acting weak or dependent in order to get
favours from others
admitting your flaws
Negative acknowledgment
2 main motives why people seek to influence other’s perceptions
Instrumental motive
Expressive motive
includes the desire for increased
self-esteem. Its fundamental meaning is the gaining of rewards
Instrumental Motive
comes down to wanting to be in charge
of one’s personal behaviour and identity. It can come as a response to social norms, expectations or restrictions, and it seeks to show others something different.
Expressive Motive
individuals are given a chance to meet other individuals with an ease and frequency that was not possible for
previous generations. With this new technology, social behaviour norms and
expectations have shifted.
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)