Midterms Flashcards
Influences the firm (tourism enterprise)
Macro Environment
Macro Environment
Political & Legal, Technology, Economic, Social (Including Media)
relates to forces that emanate from the economy
Economic Environment
this aspect certainly influences the success of business, according to?
Andrews (2008)
The local government passes laws that affect hotel operations
Political Environment
World Tourism Organization
The leading intergovernmental tourism organisation is a global forum for tourism policies and issues
Is the forum for business leaders in the travel abd tourism industry
World Travel and tourism council
The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
asserted “inclusive growth and ensuring a future with quality jobs..”
Gloria Guevarra Manzo
an important aspect of both current and future activity
Travel and tourism investment spending
which helps travel and tourism activity in many ways
Government ‘collective’ spending
a tourism term referring to a chain reaction
The multiplier effect
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Gulf cooperation council
organization of American states
Organization for Economic Co-operation and development
OIC (Organization for islamic cooperation)
Organization for islamic cooperation
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Promoters of tourism
Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA), UNTWO, WTTC
Department of tourism
the primary planning, programming, coordinating,
Department of tourism (DOT)
Tourism promotions board
under the supervision of DOT Secretary
Tourism Promotions Board
has a great impact on how hotel operation runs
Social Environment
Negative Social Impacts of Tourism
Resentment, Family Problems, Social Problems, Crime and Violence
main factors of the micro-environment
Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Services
Critical component of the business to deliver the raw materials of the right quality
The first are the local government agencies that represent the national and local governments
Is the process of planning service products
Four Ps
Product, pricing, promotion, place
The five forces model
• Potential competitors, •competitiveness among industry incumbents, •buyer’s influence
• Supplier’s influence
• Substitute products
“A theory of human motivation”
Abraham Maslow
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
self-actualization, esteem, love/belonging, safety, physiological
why people travel
escape, relaxation, sun lust, physical, health, self-discovery, cultural, education, wanderlust,
these trips are motivated by interest in cultural events
Cultural tourism
fiji, new zealand, marquesas, samoa, tahiti, tonga, hawaii
ethnolinguistic nation in western mindanao and sulu archipelago
Moros (after the moors)
native ethnic group in agusan
Migrated from africa
Indigenous people of south cotabato
refers to the environmental, economic, and sociocultural aspects of tourism development
sustainable Tourism