MIDTERMS Flashcards
Combinations of deposition and resorption result in growth movement toward the depository surface
Ramus movement
Results in drift of ramus in posterior direction
Region of the craniofacial complex that holds the greatest potential for adaptive changes.
Oral apparatus
Chondrocranium and Splanchnocranium or Viscerocranium under _
growth in this of both jaws continues through the period of puberty
Length and height
Viewed at the tip or end wires maybe half round, oval square, or rectangle
primary factors influencing from the late embryonic period, throughout fetal period and postnatal juvenile period are:
- expansion of the brain and cranial vault
- Growth of anterior cranial base
- Expansion of nasal cavity and oropharynx
Completion of growth in the maxilla in mandible is achieved in definite sequences
- Width
- Length
- Height
Is primarily structural and contributes little to the overall growth, possibly expresses growth factors that support the facial sutures
Nasal Capsule
Buccal side of mandible deposition
Cells responsible for resorption
5 metals used in orthodontics
- Gold
- stainless steel
- Elgiloy
- Nickel silver
- Nitinol or nickel titanium
this growth mechanism involves sutures, endosteal and periosteal surfaces, and alveolar processes
Nasomaxillary growth
Lip thickness reaches maximum during __ then decreases throughout __
Adolescence, adulthood
begins when neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells differentiate into specialized, bone forming cells called osteoblasts
Intramembranous ossification
Mandibular arch perimeter
+2mm during early mixed dentition
-4-6mm during late mixed dentition
-3.5mm (male) or 4.5mm (female)between 8-15 y.o
Premaxillary/ Maxillary sutures close at
3-5 years
Midface or nasomaxillary complex
- Maxilla, nasal, Zygomatic, Lacrimal, Palatine, Vomer, turbinates
Mandibular Intermolar width
+2-3mm between 6-16 years of age
it trails behind growth of the jaws before adolescence
Ramus anterior part movement
this experiences a small and variable degree of rotation, forward or backward
Buccal side of mandible resorption
flat bones are formed via
Intramembranous ossification
a force or system of forces tending to cause rotation
combining gold to other metals like palladium benefit
Widening the melting range of gold
growth of this follows the enlarging V principle
Coronoid process
Growth in maxillary height sequence
- Sutural growth in frontal and zygomatic bones
- Bone apposition in the floor of orbit
- Resorption of nasal floor and apposition oin hard palate
- Maxillary alveolar process while in late adolescence
Mandibular arch depth
decreases slightly during transition to early mixed dentition
maintains dimension most of mixed dentition
-2-3mm with loss of deciduous 1st and 2nd molars
It can cause lower incisor crowding when there is tight occlusion
Late mandibular growth
It tips the maxillary incisor forward, increasing their prominence
Forward rotation of maxilla
Maxilla develops postnatally by
Intramembranous ossification
Involves both dissolution of bone mineral and degradation of organic bone matrix
Growth sites in the nasomaxillary complex
- Sutures
- nasal septum
- Periosteal/ Endosteal Surface
- Alveolar processes
Angle of mandible at birth
(-) or 175 degrees
It can occur in the late teenage years or adulthood (18-20). Most often seen in Asians and males
Late mandibular growth
Growth in this of both jaws and dental arches is usually completed before adolescent growth changes
These form the red marrow
Blood vessles
Growth of cranial base moves maxilla __
An unmineralized organic tissue secreted by osteoblast that eventually undergo calcification and is deposite as lamellae or layers in the bone matrix
This differentiate into osteoblasts and group into ossification centers
Mesenchymal cells
It is ductile and easily workable, and more corrosion resistant than SS
Prominence of tuberosity is increased by
Large resorption field just below it
the process by which bone forms, or by which tissue changes into bone
Lingual side of mandible deposition
nose becomes much more prominent at __ especially in __
Adolescence, boys
which forward decrease in the arch length is greater, maxilla or mandible?
Mandibular arch
Foundation of all orthodontic appliance
Wire/ orthodontic wire
greater or lesser degree of rotation of the jaws can occur and result in __ variation of jaw orientation even in individuals with normal face proportions
Movement of the whole bone as a unit
Steps in endochondral ossification
- Mesenchymal cells differentiate into chondrocytes and form the cartilage model for bone
- Chondrocytes near center of the cartilage model undergo hypertrophy and alter the contents of the matrix they secrete, enabling mineralization
- Chondrocytes undergo apoptosis due to decreased nutrient availability; blood vessels invade and bring osteogenic cells
- Primary ossification center forms in the diaphyseal region of the periosteum called the periosteal collar
- Secondary ossification centers develop in the epiphyseal region after birth
Mandible shows opposite backward rotation
Long -face type / Dolichofacial
Overall growth directions in a ___ and ___ displacement with most of growth occuring in the ramus
Downward and forward
not easily divided into a core of bone and a series of functional processes
intramatrix rotation or rotation centered within body of mandible
Large gonial angle
Short-face type / Brachyfacial
Maxillary intercanine width during transition to early mixed dentition
results from failure of normal lengthening of cranial base
Midface deficiency
Connects the midface to the neurocranium
Circummaxillary suture system
Cells in the cartilage that secrete extracellular matrix to form the cartilage model for bone
It undergoes the larges amount of growth postnatally
Excessive forward rotation of mandible during growth
Short-face type / Brachyfacial
Loosely organized undifferentiated mostly mesodermal cells that give rise to such structures such as connective tissues, blood, lymphatics, bone, and cartilage
Mesenchymal celss
it indicates the amount of material used
Cross sectional design of wire
Displacement from cranial base growth is an important part of maxilla’s forward growth until the age of
6 years
ramus height: 1-2mm per year
body length: 2-3 mm per year
what age range
7-16 years of age
this rotation makes mandibular incisor erupt upward and somewhat forward
Internal rotation of mandible