Midterms Flashcards
Which of the following statements describes a true outcome from executing the two Arduino statements
(not) a square wave signal with a pulse height of 128mV is sent to channel 5
Which command-line option of compiler exhibits the banner comprising overall number of errors, messages, warnings, hex files, and version number after an accomplishment of the compilation process
Which architectural scheme has a provision of two sets for address and data buses between cpu AND MEMORY
Harvard architecture
How many pins can be configured to generate a PWM output for Arduino Uno
Why do the microprocessors possess very few bit manipulating instructions
because they mostly operate on byte/word data
arduino need additional programmer or burner hardware required for programming boardq
PIC microcontroller is suitable for designing advanced embedded systems
How many pins that are configured to read analog output
Is there anything wrong with this line of code smth light is on
the boolean expression will produce a compiler error
What does the compact and uniform nature of instructions in RISC processors facilitate to
arduino uses a 5v to 6.6v of power supply
this function in arduino is used to write any data or reading a voltage from an analaog input devices
What does the variable x and y in the function analogWrite(x, y) stands for
pin, Duty cycle
What are the significant designing issues/factors taken into consideration for RiSC Processors
All of these
When writing a sketch, how do you decide which features belong in the setup function and which belong in the loop function
Features that need to run continuously go in loop
Which processor has the necessity of manual optimization for the generation of assembly language code especially for the embedded systems
What are the range of values that be used as a parameter for the duty cycle of analogWrite function
How does the microcontroller communicate wth the external peripherals/memory
I/O ports
Embedded controllers contain multiple central processors
An Arduino sketch does not have the traditional main() function that’s generally present in C programs