What is the meaning of ‘Amorphous’?
Amorphous is an adjective that means without a clearly defined shape or form.
It stems from the root morph meaning ‘form.’
What is the meaning of ‘Antipathy’?
Antipathy is a noun that means a strong dislike or aversion.
It stems from the root anti meaning ‘against.’
What is the meaning of ‘Belligerent’?
Belligerent is an adjective that means hostile or aggressive.
It stems from the root belli meaning ‘war.’
What is the meaning of ‘Benign’?
Benign is an adjective that means gentle or kindly.
It stems from the root bene meaning ‘good.’
What is the meaning of ‘Chronic’?
Chronic is an adjective that means persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
It stems from the root chron meaning ‘time.’
What is the meaning of ‘Corpulent’?
Corpulent is an adjective that means excessively overweight or fat.
It stems from the root corp meaning ‘body.’
What is the meaning of ‘Dismiss’?
Dismiss is a verb that means to send away or remove from consideration.
It stems from the root mit (mis/mit) meaning ‘to send.’
What is the meaning of ‘Dynamic’?
Dynamic is an adjective that means energetic or forceful.
It stems from the root dyna meaning ‘power.’
What is the meaning of ‘Elucidate’?
Elucidate is a verb that means to make something clear or explain.
It stems from the root luc meaning ‘light.’
What is the meaning of ‘Engender’?
Engender is a verb that means to cause or give rise to a feeling, situation, or condition.
It stems from the root gen meaning ‘to create’ or ‘generate.’
What is the meaning of ‘Expire’?
Expire is a verb that means to come to an end or to die.
It stems from the root spir meaning ‘to breathe.’
What is the meaning of ‘Fraternity’?
Fraternity is a noun that means a group of people sharing a common interest or purpose.
It stems from the root frater meaning ‘brother.’
What is the meaning of ‘Generate’?
Generate is a verb that means to produce or create something.
It stems from the root gen meaning ‘to create’ or ‘generate.’
What is the meaning of ‘Genocide’?
Genocide is a noun that means the deliberate killing of a large number of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
It stems from the root gen meaning ‘race’ or ‘family.’
What is the meaning of ‘Geology’?
Geology is a noun that means the study of the Earth’s physical structure and substances.
It stems from the root geo meaning ‘earth.’
What is the meaning of ‘Immortal’?
Immortal is an adjective that means living forever or not subject to death.
It stems from the root mort meaning ‘death.’
What is the meaning of ‘Innovative’?
Innovative is an adjective that means introducing new ideas or methods.
It stems from the root nov meaning ‘new.’
What is the meaning of ‘Inscribe’?
Inscribe is a verb that means to write or engrave something on a surface.
It stems from the root scrib meaning ‘to write.’
What is the meaning of ‘Malice’?
Malice is a noun that means the desire to do harm or cause injury.
It stems from the root mal meaning ‘bad.’
What is the meaning of ‘Malignant’?
Malignant is an adjective that means harmful, dangerous, or cancerous.
It stems from the root mal meaning ‘bad.’
What is the meaning of ‘Manicure’?
Manicure is a noun that means a beauty treatment for the hands and nails.
It stems from the root man meaning ‘hand.’
What is the meaning of ‘Manuscript’?
Manuscript is a noun that means a handwritten or typed document, especially one prepared for publication.
It stems from the root man meaning ‘hand.’
What is the meaning of ‘Matriarchal’?
Matriarchal is an adjective that means relating to or characteristic of a society or family led by women.
It stems from the root mater meaning ‘mother.’
What is the meaning of ‘Memento’?
Memento is a noun that means an object kept as a reminder or souvenir.
It stems from the root mem meaning ‘memory.’
What is the meaning of ‘Missive’?
Missive is a noun that means a written message, especially a letter.
It stems from the root mit (mis/mit) meaning ‘to send.’
What is the meaning of ‘Mortician’?
Mortician is a noun that means a person who prepares dead bodies for burial.
It stems from the root mort meaning ‘death.’
What is the meaning of ‘Omnipotent’?
Omnipotent is an adjective that means having unlimited power or authority.
It stems from the root omni meaning ‘all.’
What is the meaning of ‘Omnivore’?
Omnivore is a noun that means an animal or person that eats both plants and animals.
It stems from the root omni meaning ‘all.’
What is the meaning of ‘Patriarchy’?
Patriarchy is a noun that means a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
It stems from the root pater meaning ‘father.’
What is the meaning of ‘Philanthropist’?
Philanthropist is a noun that means a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, usually by donating money or resources.
It stems from the root phil meaning ‘love.’
What is the meaning of ‘Philosophy’?
Philosophy is a noun that means the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
It stems from the root soph meaning ‘wisdom.’
What is the meaning of ‘Polyglot’?
Polyglot is a noun that means a person who knows and is able to use several languages.
It stems from the root poly meaning ‘many.’
What is the meaning of ‘Polymorph’?
Polymorph is a noun that means a substance that can exist in more than one form.
It stems from the root morph meaning ‘form.’
What is the meaning of ‘Portable’?
Portable is an adjective that means capable of being easily carried or moved.
It stems from the root port meaning ‘to carry.’
What is the meaning of ‘Portfolio’?
Portfolio is a noun that means a collection of works or documents, especially related to a person’s career or investments.
It stems from the root port meaning ‘to carry.’
What is the meaning of ‘Pseudonym’?
Pseudonym is a noun that means a fictitious name used by an author or person instead of their real name.
It stems from the root pseudo meaning ‘false.’
What is the meaning of ‘Respiration’?
Respiration is a noun that means the act of breathing or the process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
It stems from the root spir meaning ‘to breathe.’
What is the meaning of ‘Subterranean’?
Subterranean is an adjective that means existing, occurring, or situated below the earth’s surface.
It stems from the root terra meaning ‘earth.’
What is the meaning of ‘Synchronize’?
Synchronize is a verb that means to cause to occur at the same time or rate.
It stems from the root chron meaning ‘time.’
What is the meaning of ‘Terrain’?
Terrain is a noun that means a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.
It stems from the root terra meaning ‘earth.’
What is the meaning of ‘Transmit’?
Transmit is a verb that means to send or convey something from one place to another.
It stems from the root mit (mis/mit) meaning ‘to send.’
What is the meaning of ‘Verdict’?
Verdict is a noun that means a decision or judgment, especially in a court of law.
It stems from the root ver meaning ‘true.’
What is the meaning of ‘Verify’?
Verify is a verb that means to make sure or demonstrate that something is true or accurate.
It stems from the root ver meaning ‘true.’
What is the meaning of ‘Vitality’?
Vitality is a noun that means the state of being strong and active, or having energy and strength.
It stems from the root vit/viv meaning ‘life.’