Midterm Study Guide Flashcards
What information must be protected from unauthorized disclosure?
National Security Information
What classified information could NOT be reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to the nation, but still requires control over its distribution?
Sensitive Information
What classified information could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to the nation?
Classified Information
What is the primary governing document for Classified National Security information?
Executive Order 13526 Classified National Security Information Sensitive Information
What components determines who gets access for Classified/Sensitive Information?
- An adjudicated and appropriate Security Clearance
- A signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- Valid Need-to-Know
- Commander or Director’s Approval
The unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security
The unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national security.
Top Secret
The unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
Two components of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
- Sought after by strategic competitors and adversaries
- DoD Instruction 5200.48 established DoD CUI policy
What does OCA stand for?
Original Classification Authority
True or False
Anyone can classify Original Classified Information
Original and Derivative Classification
True or False
DoD determines how damaging undisclosed information can be
Original and Derivative Classification
True or False
Information is derivatively classified whenever it is extracted, paraphrased, restated, or generated in a new form
Original and Derivative Classification
True or False
When material is derivatively classified based on “multiple sources” the derivative classifier must compile a list of the sources used
Original and Derivative Classification
True or False
Two different unclassified sources can equal a classified source
Original and Derivative Classification
True or False
Alerts the holder to the presence of classified information
Purpose of classification markings
True or False
It conceals who classified the documents
Purpose of classification markings
True or False
It provides guidance for declassification
Purpose of classification markings
True or False
Warns holders of special access, control, or safeguarding requirements
Purpose of classification markings
True or False
Gives direction on who edits previously marked classification
Purpose of classification markings
What document is used to identify the control markings of classified material, and is issued for each weapon system?
Security Classification Guide
Republic of Korea
- US
- Great Britain
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
No Foreign Release
Great Britain
- Australia
- Canada
- Great Britain
- US
What is the other name for Page Marking?
Banner Markings
What is the formatting for Banner or Page Markings?
Upper Case & Centered
What are the three lines for the Original Classification Authority?
- Classified by
- Reason
- Declassification date
What is spillage, concerning classification?
Higher classification to lower classification
True or False
It’s okay to…
Take classified home
True or False
It’s okay to…
Burn classified information if you are disposing of it
True or False
It’s okay to…
Leave classified unattended
True or False
It’s okay to…
Keep foreign classified information with other NOFOR
True or False
It’s okay to…
Discuss classified information in public areas (ex. restroom)
True or False
It’s okay to…
Discuss classified information on social media platforms
True or False
It’s okay to…
Discuss classified information over approved secure lines of comms
True or False
It’s okay to…
Leave classified documents unattended to do another task
True or False
It’s okay to…
Secure unattended classified materials that isn’t yours with a supervisor
True or False
It’s okay to…
Check with the General Service Adminstration on handling classified
True or False
It’s okay to…
Reproduce classified material on a copy with a lower classification marking
True or False
It’s okay to…
Have a two-person concept when destroying Top Secret documents
True or False
It’s okay to…
Not have an inventory of the classified material for hand-carried classified docs
True or False
It’s okay to…
Keep smart watches out of a control area with classified documents
Mission of:
Space Delta 2
Space Domain Awareness
Mission of:
Space Delta 3
Space Electronic Warfare
Mission of:
Space Delta 4
Missile Warning
Mission of:
Space Delta 5
Command & Control
Mission of:
Space Delta 6
Cyber Operations
Mission of:
Space Delta 7
Mission of:
Space Delta 8
Satellite Communication & Navigation Warfare
Mission of:
Space Delta 9
Orbital Warfare
Mission of:
Space Delta 18
National Space Intelligence
Mission of:
Space Base Delta 1
Garrison Support
Mission of:
Space Base Delta 2
Garrison Support
Mission of:
Space Delta 15
Command & Control NSDC
What is the Air Force Specialty Code for USSF enlisted personnel?
What is the Air Force Specialty Code for USSF officer personnel?
What are the initial requirements for USSF employment?
- Color Vision
- Top Secret (TS/SCI) security clearance
- Successful completion of Undergraduate Space Training
Concerning Crew Force Management, what role do enlisted have?
Expected to become techical experts on their operations systems
Concerning Crew Force Management, what role do officers have?
- Flight and Crew Management
- Utilize crew experience to aid in decision making
Concerning Crew Force Management, what role do civilians or contractors have?
Provide continuity and expertise
Who was the first to develop/launch liquid fueled rocket in 1926?
Dr. Robert Goddard
Who led the V-series rocket into development during WWII?
Dr. Wernher von Braun
Who developed pressure/pump feed systems for liquid fueled rocket?
Dr. Robert Goddard
Who was captured under Operation Paperclip?
Dr. Wernher von Braun
Who developed Red & Jupiter rockets in 1950’s?
Dr. Wernher von Braun
Who developed Attitude Control Methods?
Dr. Robert Goddard
What was the name of the Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile the United States developed?
During the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-58, the UN Special Committee for the IGY placed what challenge to the world?
To place a satellite in orbit
The Russians were the first to successfully respond to the challenge, what was the name of the satellite they put into orbit?
Sputnik I
What was the first American satellite placed into orbit?
Explorer I
What command did the United States facilitate to perform ballistic missle attack warning, manned bomber attack defense, and space surveillance?
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Which program led to the first photoreconnaissance satellite?
The Discoverer Program
What was the Discoverer Program (aka “Corona”)?
- U-2 spy planes were the sole providers of overhead imagery
- Francis Gary Powers shot down over USSR
The Discoverer Program used what as a booster?
This orbit allowed the Discoverer Program to capture photographs of the entire Soviet landmass
What war is considered to be the first “space war” due to the high level of integration of space support into military planning operations?
The Gulf War
What states are equal before international law no matter the size of their territory, population, economy or military?
Concerning Written Law (Treaties), what are required for countries to be legally bound by resolutions passed by the General Assembly and the Security Council?
- Signed
- Ratified
Who is the main body of the United Nations?
The General Assembly
Which 5 members are the permanent members responsible for the maintenance of international peace, security, and power to make binding decisions?
- The United States
- China
- Russia
- France
- United Kingdom
How many non-permanent nations are there?
What title clarifies the DoD’s role and responsibilities?
Title 10
What title clarifies the authories within intelligence community?
Title 50
What command authority is non-transferable per Title 10?
What is the Latin phrase for the Nicaragua interpretation: Gap between Use of Force and Armed Attack?
jus ad bellum
What UN Charter Article prohibits the threat or use of force?
Article 2 (4)
What Treaty serves as the foundation for Space Law?
Outer Space Treaty
What article of the Outer Space Treaty prohibits orbital WMD?
Article 4
Concerning US national interests, which international laws do we choose to support?
- Values
- International Order
- Prosperity
- Security
Concerning US national interests, what order from broadest to specific are supported?
- U.S. National Interests
- Law
- Policy
- Strategy
- Doctrine
What is the outline of what a government is going to do and what it can achieve for the society as a whole?
What is a prudent idea or set of ideas for employing instruments of national power?
Who is the signature authority for the National Security Strategy?
President of the United States (POTUS)
Who is the signature authority for the National Defense Strategy?
Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)
Who is the signature authority for the National Military Strategy?
Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS or J5)
What does the NSC do?
Advise President on National Security & Foreign policy matters
The Defense Space Strategy is designed to achieve what?
- Provide Space Support to National, Joint, and Combined Operations
- Maintain Space Superiority
- Ensure Space Stability