Midterm Review Flashcards
A movement from within Christianity that believed they possessed a special knowledge reserved for those with true understanding. Only by this knowledge could one return to God. Earth was created by Demiurge an emanation from the one true God. Famous teachers included Cerinthus and Basilides.
Justin Martyr
Justin Martyr was a second century apologist. He was known as a Platonic philosopher. He held the belief that philosophy defended Christianity and considered Socrates a Christian before Christ. Wrote Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, First Apology, and Second Apology.
Iranaeus was educationally speaking a direct descendent of John through Polycarp’s discipleship. Iranaeus was known for protesting Gnostic heresies, partially through his greatest work Against Heresies.
Tertullian of Carthage
Tertullian was a strong defender of Christianity who became a Montanist later in life. Tertullian believed that philosophy stood against Christianity. Famous for his quote “What has Jerusalem to do with Athens?” His works included: Against Marcion and Prescription Against Heretics.
Cyprian of Carthage
Cyprian was a bishop of Carthage who, upon his conversion, gave a lot of his wealth to the poor. He was an originator of Roman Catholic doctrine. He believed that salvation began within the church and after baptism. Cyprian’s major works were Concerning the Lapsed and On the Unity of the Church.
Gottschalk was monk who read Augustine. He was a believer in double predestination; God chooses the elect and chooses those who will reject Him. He also believed that man only has free will for evil. Double predestination.
Gregory the Great
Gregory the Great was Pope from 590 to 604. He believed Augustine to be the greatest Church Father. His theology destroyed any sense of security about salvation.
Rule of Faith
Synopsis for believers of what the Bible was all about. It outlined the Christian story of redemption. It taught 4 things: 1. One creator God. 2. God is revealed by the spirit through the Hebrew profits. 3. Father God has been revealed by the life, death and resurrection of the Son, who was incarnate by a Virgin for our salvation. 4. There is a future resurrection for all, involving rewards for the righteous and punishment for the unrighteous.
A movement from within Christianity that practiced strict asceticism and believed the heavenly kingdom would be set up in Phrygia.
Church Fathers who were a part of the generation after the death of John; many knew the disciples and their teachings well.
Apostolic Fathers
Christians who tried to demonstrate similarities between the Christian message and worldview and the best of Greek philosophy
Irenaeus’s main theological contribution. New head as in the human race receives a new head in Christ.
Believed that Greek philosophy was borrowed from God and saw it as preparation for the Greeks for Christ.
Clement of Alexandria
Helped define terms of the trinity and clear up confusion.
Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Gregory of Nyssa.
Jesus does not have an earthly mind, only a heavenly mind.
The belief that Jesus was only human.
Christ has two separate natures.
Christ does not have the same humanity as us. Blending of natures.
Agreement between John of Antioch and Cyril
Formula of Reunion
Letter which tried to bring about theological peacein the empire.
Zeno’s Henoticon
Taught Monophesite theology.
Severus of Antioch
Schism due to questions of apostasy and the validity of sacraments.
Man has no original sin; total freedom; the law is God’s grace
Deny human freedom; matter is evil
Human nature could take the first step toward God for salvation
Called to put an end to semi-pegianism/Augustine controversy; Original sin, Free will, grace, baptism, condemdemned pre-determined damnation.
Council of Orange
Maximus the Confessor
Defended the use of icons
John of Damascus
“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”-
“He cannot have God for his Father who has not the Church for his mother.”
“What has Jerusalem to do with Athens?”
“That which is not assumed is not saved.”
Gregory of Nazianzus
“There was a time when He was not.”