Final Review Flashcards
Pinnacle of Scholastic Thought
Duns Scotus
William of Ockham
Argued that Jesus is present spiritually in the bread and wine
Berengar of Tours
Monk group, but didn’t believe you had to follow the Pope
Meister Eckhart
The main point of difference between luther and Zwingli is the Lords supper
Marburg Colloquoy
Henry VIII- wanted a divorce Six Articles- Showed that Henry VII was still Catholic in doctrine Elizabeth- Middle ground
English Reformations
Longest serving pope; Anti Liberalism
Pope Pius IX
The pope is infallible
Vatican I
Wycliffe’s writings impacted him
John Huss
The most influential Catholic theologian; Anonymous Christian
Karl Rahner
Solution to children that didn’t have a conversion experience
Halfway Covenant
They do not reject free will
Categorical imperative
Immanuel Kant
Moves beyond Augustinian views
Catholic Counter Reformation