Midterm Pastoral Care Flashcards
What is the purpose of a bereavement visit?
- Express condolences on behalf of Bishop, Pastor Deb and the First famil of the WOF church family.
- Clearly communicate the services WOFICC offers and the policies.
- Assist the family in making arrangements for the services.
When should ministers arrive?
One hour before the Family Hour. on or off site.
When must a bereavement visit be done?
Within 24 hours. First Visit 1 hour
How long should the Eulogy be?
NLT 20 minutes.
Where should the minister drive in the funeral processional?
Behind the hearse as directed by the funeral director.
When should you arrive at an appearance?
15 minutes before the family hour.
Do not do what at an appearance
Approach the pulpit unless invited from the minister in charge.
Who should call 911 at an In-Service emergency?
The pastoral care minister.
How long should a hospital visit be?
15 minutes.
What are the purposes of a hospital visit? (follow-up)
To demonstrate that Word of Faith has not forgotten you and any changes in your situation.
Who gets visited in the hospital?
Purpose of bereavement visit?
members and immediate family
parent, grandparent, spouse, child, sibling, includidng in-laws of the same
A “prayer visit” assisting families when an immediate family member transitions.
Follow-up phone call Purpose.
if patient has been discharge and follow-up visit is not possible; call is made to make sure they know that Bishop and Pastor Deb are thinking about them and wanted them to know they are praying for them.
What is the purpose of the LT care Visit.
- Pray
- Issue communion
- give CDs
importance of being in fellowship with The Lord and to repent of any sin b/f taking Holy Communion
What is the purpose of a home visit?
Does not pertain to a medical problem.
Usually to Bless a Home or Business.
Share the Word and Pray over the home or business.
What must happen to get married at WOF?
The marriage certificate must be signed in?
- Pre-marital counseling
- Pre-marital counseling certificate of counseling must be on file for at least 30 days prior to the wedding.
Black ink
What is the pager used for?
Bereavement and Medical Emergencies.
What colors should a pastoral care minister performing a homegoing wear?
dark blue, dark grey, dark brown, black
How should a pastoral minister handle a complaint or conflict from a congregant?
No dialogue. The congregant should be advised that the Pastoral care supervisor will be calling him or her.
What does a Pastoral Care vehicle contain?
Insurance Card Registration Roadside Assistance Number Utility bag with emergency items Logbook to record mileage on a monthly basis.
What is the primary mode of communication with the Pastoral Care Supervisior?
T/F Information concerning a VIP is considered time sensitive?
Information that you send to a Pastoral Care Supervisor, whose responsibility is that to send to a Senior Pastor?
Pastoral Care Supervisor
When you visit someone who are you representing?
Bishop Butler and Pastor Deborah.