Midterm OP Articular surfaces + Concave/Convex relationship Flashcards
Glenohumeral (Synovial ball and socket)
CONVEX head of humerus articulates with the CONCAVE glenoid fossa of the scapula
Acromialclavicular (Synovial Planar)
CONCAVE acromion process of scapula articultes with the CONVEX lateral end of clavicle
Sternoclavicular (Synovial Double Planar/Gliding)
Sternal end of the clavicle articulates with the clavicular notch of the manubrium. Incongruent due to four articulating surfaces so its CONVEX ON CONCAVE AND CONCAVE ON CONVEX
Humeroulnar (Synovial Hinge)
CONCAVE trochlear notch of the ulna articulates with the CONVEX trochlea of the humerus
Humeroradial (Synovial Modified ball and socket)
CONCAVE head of the radius articulates with the CONVEX capitulum of humerus
Proximal radioulnar (Synovial Pivot)
CONVEX head of the radius articulates with the CONCAVE radial notch of the ulna
Distal radioulnar (Synovial Pivot)
CONCAVE ulnar notch of radius articulates with CONVEX head of ulna
Radiocarpal (Synovial Ellipsoid)
CONVEX proximal ends of scaphoid and lunate articulate with CONCAVE distal end of radius
Ulnomenistriquetrial (Synovial Ellipsoid)
CONVEX proximal surface of triquetrium articulates with CONCAVE distal end of ulna
Intercarpals (Synovial Planar)
CONCAVE/CONVEX vary in configuration. Name all proximal and distal carpals
Carpometacarpal Joint Digit 1 (Synovial Saddle)
Base of metacarpal articulates with the trapezium. CONVEX on CONCAVE in sagittal plane. CONCAVE on CONVEX in coronal plane
Digit 2-5 (Synovial Condyloid)
Digit 1 (Synovial Hinge)
CONCAVE bases of proximal phalanges articulate with CONVEX head of metacarpals
Acetabulofemoral (Synovial ball and socket)
CONVEX head of the femur articulates with CONCAVE acetabulum of pelvis
Tibiofemoral (Synovial Modified Hinge)
CONCAVE condyles of tibia articulate with CONVEX femoral condyles
Patellofemoral (Synovial Planar) 2 CONVEX/CONCAVE orientations.
CONCAVE superior and inferior surfaces and the CONVEX medial and lateral surfaces articulate with the patellar surface of the femur
Proximal Tibiofibular (Synovial Planar)
CONVEX facet of the head of fibula and CONCAVE facet on the lateral condyle of tibia
Talocrural (Synovial Hinge)
CONVEX trochlea of the talus articulates between the CONCAVITY formed by the medial and lateral malleoli and the distal end of the tibia
Subtalar (Synovial Planar)
CONVEX facets on the superior surface of the calcaneus articulate with CONCAVE posterior, anterior and middle articular surface of calcaneus