Midterm Material Flashcards
What are the four types of conflict?
- Person vs. person
- Person vs. self
- Person vs. environment
- Person vs. technology
What are the five elements of a plot?
- Exposition
- Rising action
- Climax
- Falling action
- Resolution
What is a protagonist?
Central character of a story
What is an antagonist?
Character or force that is opposed to the protagonist
What is the theme?
The central idea or a story
What is the setting?
The time and place of a story
What is 1st person point of view?
When a character within the story narrates
What is omniscient point of view?
The storyteller’s knowledge extends to the internal states of all the characters
What is a thesis?
The central idea of an essay
What is paraphrasing?
Putting something in your own words
What is the relationship between a poem’s subject and the theme?
The theme reveals something important about the subject
What is tone?
The author’s perspective of the text
What is mood?
The emotions the reader feels from reading the text
What is a shift in a poem?
Any change in the poem in its message or context
What is personification?
Where a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics
What is an extended metaphor?
It’s developed at length and involves several points of comparison
What is imagery?
The descriptive language used to recreate sensory experiences
What is alliteration?
The repetition of the initial consonant
What is rhyme scheme?
The regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem of stanza
What is a metaphor?
A figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as though it were something else
What is a simile?
A figure of speech that compares two apparently different things using like or as
What are the five main symbols in LotF? Explain their symbolism.
- Island- garden of Eden
- Glasses- knowledge
- Conch- order
- Pig head- evil inside everyone
- Fire- hope and destruction
What is Golding’s commentary on the nature of mankind in LotF?
Mankind is evil
In what ways do Jack and Ralph reflect the different extremes of human nature?
Ralph goes for democracy, Jack goes for dictatorship
How does Simon function as a Christ figure?
He comes to tell the good news and gets killed; only innocent character
What is deus ex machine and how does the ending of LotF exemplify this storytelling technique?
God from machine; a random character comes in and fixes everything; the navy captain comes and saves them; from Greek and Roman tragedies
Who were the Anglo Saxons?
Germanic warriors that invaded England and ruled until 1066
What version of English did they speak?
Old English
How did the Anglo Saxons spread stories and tales in their day?
Oral tradition
What is the significance of Beowulf to the English language?
It’s the first recorded work in English
Why is Beowulf considered an epic?
Because of its length
Who were the Normans and when did they invade?
From North France; invaded in 1066
Where was the divisive battle of the war fought?
What is heroic poetry?
Poetry about a hero
What is elegiac poetry?
Poetry lamenting the death of a loved one
What does Beowulf reveal about the Anglo Saxon’s view of fate and religion?
It struggled with dual identity mixing Christianity and Catholicism
What is a kenning?
A subject with 2 adjectives
What language was spoken in England during the Middle Ages?
Middle English
Who wrote the Canterbury tales?
Geoffrey Chaucer
What was Chaucer’s criticism of pilgrims and the church?
Pilgrims didn’t take religious journeys seriously; the church is hypocritical
What is the basic structure of the Canterbury tales in terms of the contest and the historical context of the book?
Each told 2 stories there, two back, whoever won got a feast. The pilgrimages were to the tomb of Thomas á Becket, a bishop of Canterbury who was assassinated
What are the 4 elements of a tragedy?
- Hero- high to low in society usually ending in death
- Human greatness
- Ends tragically, teaching a lesson
- Arouses fear, pity, and awe
What is a sonnet?
A 14 line poem in iambic pentameter; covers a single theme
What is an octave?
8 lime stanza
What is a quatrain?
4 line stanza
What is a couplet?
Two line stanza
What is a sonnet sequence?
Sonnets organized by theme
What is a sestet?
A six line stanza
What is imagery?
Sensory detail
What is Petrarchan rhyme scheme?
Abba abba cdecde
What is Spenserian rhyme scheme?
Abab bcbc cdcd ee
What is Shakespearian rhyme scheme?
Abab cdcd efef gg
How many lines does a sonnet have?
What us iambic pentameter?
5 pairs of 2 syllables; 2nd syllable in each pair is stressed
How many stressed syllables are in a line of iambic pentameter poetry?
Which comes first, stressed or unstressed syllables?
In sonnets, what is the purpose of the first several lines and the last few lines?
First lines present a problem, the last lines present a resolution/solution
What is pastoral poetry?
It celebrates simple life in the country
What is an example of pastoral imagery in The Passionate Shepherd?
I will make thee a bed of roses
How does The Passionate Shepherd exemplify pastoral poetry?
Glorifies nature, speaker is a shepherd
Thematically, how does The Nymph’s Reply answer the shepherd’s request?
Love will fade
How did the authors of these two poems know each other?
They lived in the same period